7:30pm, Sat., Nov. 3
Univ. of Illinois-Chicago
750 S. Halsted (look for signs with room info)
2007 Midwest SOCIALIST Conference Plenary:
***Resisting U.S. Empire
& The Struggle for Self-Determination
Camilo Mejía, national co-chair of Iraq Veterans Against the War (for id only)
Martin Sanchez, Venezuelan Consul for the city of Chicago, co-editor of venezuelanalysis.com (for id only)
Sherry Wolf, editorial board of the International Socialist Review (for id only)
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More information on the
2007 Midwest Socialist Conference:
“Building a Revolutionary Alternative”
9am-10pm, November 3
10-2:30pm, November 4
***featured workshops include…
The Alternative to Capitalism: The Future Socialist Society
Black Liberation and Socialism
The Democrats: The Other War Party?
The Fight for National Health Care
Gay Liberation and Socialism
From Malcolm X to DRUM: The Rise of Black Power
The Legacy of the 1979 Iranian Revolution
Marxism and the Economy: Why Does Capitalism Go Into Crisis?
Marxism vs. Anarchism
No One Is Illegal: The Fight for Immigrant Rights
The Racist Injustice System: The New Jim Crow?
The Rise and Fall of the 1960s Students for a Democratic Society
Soldiers Against War from Vietnam to Iraq
The Struggle for Palestine
What do Socialists Say about Political Islam?
Why do Socialists Look to the Working Class?
Women and Socialism: Whatever Happened to Feminism?
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Registration is a recommended donation of $20 ($10 low-income, $30 solidarity rate). There will be registration on-site as well.
Free on-site child care will also be provided but please give us advance notice by e-mailing
chicago_socialists (at) yahoo.com
chicago_socialists (at) yahoo.com