We will present the case for the gravity of the moment we are in, and the need for moral clarity: any attack, even if following a provocation, would be an act of aggression that cannot be allowed. The second half of this meeting will be reserved for presenting action proposals and strategizing for serious and determined resistance to this impending attack. We are not proposing a new coalition or organization; rather, what is we need is clear, fresh thinking and plans to break the millions of people who care about the world into resistance.
GRACE PLACE, 637 S. Dearborn, 6PM
We stand at a dangerous precipice. Millions in Iraq and the Middle East, in the U.S., and across the globe want the Iraq war to end. But the Bush regime is preparing just the opposite: to continue its murderous escalation in Iraq (antiseptically labeled the "surge") - and very likely launch a massive air attack on Iran. It's estimated that half the U.S.'s warships are now poised near Iran, including three aircraft carriers. This means that an attack on Iran wouldn't have to be preceded by a drawn out and obvious military build up. It could come very quickly - without warning - in an effort to "shock and awe" the world with a "fait accompli" - and stun people into passivity.
And what is the "anti-war" Democratic Party doing to stop this? Nothing. Its phony "opposition" to the Iraq war grows weaker by the moment and may be near collapse. Meanwhile, they've basically joined the "War-on-Iran" Caucus. Last spring, Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi pulled a provision forcing Bush to consult with Congress before attacking Iran, basically green-lighting any unannounced bombing of Iran. This summer, the Senate voted 97 to zero for a prepare-for-war resolution condemning Iran for supposedly killing U.S. soldiers in Iraq. And are the Democratic candidates raising hell about the danger of war on Iran? No.
In response, we are calling all people of conscience to an emergency meeting. We will present the case for the gravity of the moment we are in, and the need for moral clarity: any attack, even if following a provocation, would be an act of aggression that cannot be allowed. The second half of this meeting will be reserved for presenting action proposals and strategizing for serious and determined resistance to this impending attack. We are not proposing a new coalition or organization; rather, what is we need is clear, fresh thinking and plans to break the millions of people who care about the world into resistance. Bring your most radical and serious proposals for mobilizations, political resistance, and student actions, particularly student strikes. We are encouraging groups and individuals to submit proposals in advance of Oct. 3rd to the extent possible so we can plan the meeting best. Send your ideas and plans to:
oct3dontiraqiran (at) hotmail.com. Everyone is welcome to bring their ideas and energy to the discussion; and of course a proposal is not required to participate. There is an existing plan for demonstrations in response to an attack on Iran at Federal Plaza at 5pm the day after, but we are encouraging people to think large, and think radical, about how to express the opposition to this aggression before it is too late.
There come moments that decide the direction of a country and reveal the character of its people. We are now at such a moment. - George W. Bush, September 13, 2007
Send your proposals, and add your name to this call to:
oct3dontiraqiran (at) hotmail.com
Further reading on the Bush regime's plans to attack here:
The Next Quagmire
By Chris Hedges Posted on Sep 3, 2007
August 31, 2007 Bush Puts Iran in Crosshairs
by Ray McGovern
The Sunday Times
September 2, 2007
Pentagon 'three-day blitz' plan for Iran By Sarah Baxter
Called by:
Chicago Progressive Alliance
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime, Chicago Chapter
Sponsored by:
Neighbors for Peace
Supported by:
Code Pink Chicago
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Vets for Peace
With participants from:
Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism
North Shore Coalition for Peace and Justice
South Siders for Peace
Lincoln Park Neighbors for Peace
International Solidarity Movement
Columbia SDS
Depaul students
Endorsed by:
8th Day Center for Justice