Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Protest Activity

Representative Bobby Rush Refuses to Investigate Formaldegate

Bobby Rush does not want to investigate Bush for impeachment.
Why is it that Bobby Rush ( A member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois ) does not want to investigate Bush's perjury in Formaldegate, Harken Energy whitewash, or Bush's income tax fraud when he sold his share of the Texas Rangers baseball team?
To understand Bush's income tax fraud read the story at North Carolina Independent Media Center ( Impeach Bush For His Income Tax Fraud, Posted February 26, 2007 by Raymond Hoffman ).
To understand why impeachment is not a criminal trial read the story at Los Angeles Independent Media Center ( Bush Lies About Formaldegate, Posted November 8, 2004 by Greg ).
To fully understand George W. Bush's sham transactions and shady business deals you must read the story ( Did George W. Bush Evade Income Taxes on His Harken Loans? by Bob Fertik ). Be sure to read the section titled ( Post-publication Notes ).
Here are some phone numbers for Representative Bobby Rush.
Washington D.C. Office (202) 225-4372
Chicago District Office (773) 224-6500
Midlothian Office (708) 385-9550



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