Announcement :: Peace
Dave Cline, 1947 – 2007
[This is from the Iraq Vets website. I hear VVAW will have something up soon. Sad news seems to be coming in batches. Dave was a good friend of mine going back to the 1970s, when we connected via RYM2 Study Groups, the Guardian and the GI Coffee House movement. He carried on the good fight until the end, despite the ravages of failing health and old wounds. He was recently elected to the UFPJ steering Committee as well, and his strong voice will be sorely missed. --CarlD]

Dave Cline, 1947-2007
Dave Cline, 1947 – 2007, We’ll Miss You Brother
Dave Cline, Vietnam veteran, GI organizer, and anti-war leader, passed away last night, September 14. Dave will be deeply missed, and was a great inspiration and leader for those of us currently fighting to end the war in Iraq. IVAW wouldn’t be as powerful as we are today if it had not been for Dave’s dedication and mentorship. There couldn’t be a better friend and ally than him when it came to building a GI and veteran movement to end the Iraq war. Dave was a Vietnam veteran, an infantry soldier who was wounded three times and became a key leader in the GI resistance to the Vietnam war. Dave was an active member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and worked in the Oleo Strut, a GI coffeehouse outside of Ft. Hood, TX, where he helped organize active-duty soldiers to end the war.
Many of us at IVAW remember Dave as the president of Veterans For Peace, and got to know him during different marches, rallies, and VFP conventions. Dave stood beside us the day IVAW was founded, and we are sad that he’ll no longer be at our side as we continue in our fight to end the war. He was always there; ready to help his fellow veterans and peace activists. From the very beginning of Iraq Veterans Against the War’s formation, Dave helped us build our organization and never hesitated to give us whatever guidance we needed. He was an integral part of IVAW, and served on our interim board of directors.
Once, when asked about why he became an anti-war organizer, Dave said, "When you just went through an experience of that nature, and you find out that it's all lies and that they're just lying to the American people and your silence means you're a part of keeping that lie going—I couldn't stop. I mean I couldn't be silent." Dave wasn’t silent, and his voice has been an inspiration and motivation for all of us. We’ll keep the fight going and help to honor his life by ending this war and occupation. Long live Dave Cline!