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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Peace : Protest Activity

Andy Thayer arrested, then released

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Off to a good start ...
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Thayer, pre-arrest
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Richard Henzel, rollerblader who also got the officer steamed up
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Sgt. Gaytan, displeased
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Protesters, attorney Jeff Frank fail to get explanations as Thayer sits in the paddy wagon
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The sign is a comment on the war, not the officer
Unfortunately, the most noteworthy aspect of Saturday's Rahm Emanuel protest was the fact that organizer Andy Thayer got arrested by an officer who showed up half an hour into the action, hot and bothered and looking extra hard for an excuse to take somebody in.

At the station it became clear that the officer's excuse didn't hold up, and Thayer was quickly released. So unlike his previous arrests, this wasn't a gross civil liberties violation, just a mild one. Or maybe it was a farce.

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