News :: Protest Activity
Antiwar Protesters Disrupt Petraeus hearing
WASHINGTON - September 10 - When General Petraeus testified today before the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees in his effort to justify allocating another $190 billion more for war, anti-war activists were there to demonstrate that the public is not buying the Bush/Petraeus spin.

CODEPINK, Iraq Veterans Against the War and many others were present inside the hearing room, in the hallway and outside of the Cannon Congressional building to say: "We are not buying more war. There is no military solution. Bring the troops home!"
At least 4 protesters were arrested.
"In recent months we have seen a growing determination of the people of this country to bring our troops home. The Bush/Petraeus spin is designed to paint a false, rosy picture of Iraq to convince the public that we should stay the course. We will be inside and outside Congress to tell our elected officials that the American people are not buying this war, and neither should they," said Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the national women's peace group.
"General betray-us is just another face in a long string of lies this administration has spun. As an Iraq veteran I wonder why Congress still believes the president and those he sends forward in his stead. These types of lying leaders are why officers were fragged in the Vietnam war," said Geoff Millard, DC chapter president of Iraq Veterans Against the War. "It's time to stop the lying and bring the troops home."
See the MSN-NBC video, reposted from the RAW STORY news portal.