Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Animal Rights

9/16: Vegan Community Potluck

Come meet new people and enjoy the last of Chicago's hot weather at a vegan potluck at 6pm in Humbolt Park (near the North/California intersection).
On Sunday, September 16, at 6pm, we'll be holding a vegan potluck in Humbolt Park (near the North/California intersection). The purpose was originally for a group of us to discuss a live-in collective/activist/community space, but we figured it'd be more fun (and might draw in a few extra interested people) if we opened it up to everyone who wants to come. You don't even have to be vegan, as long as your dish is.

Vegan means that your dish is free of meat, dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese, etc), egg, honey, gelatin, and any other animal product or by-product. Think simple things like rice, beans, stir-fry without the fish sauce, veg soup.

Enjoy the last few weeks of hot weather, meet new people, and have fun! Bring frisbees, hackey sacks, music, and your own plate/spoon. Contact the e-mail above for more info.



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