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Chicago Indymedia

News :: Prisons

Eric McDavid's Commissary Cut Off

Hello everyone,

We learned this afternoon that the Sacramento County Jail has now cut off Eric's commissary. When they brought the inmates their weekly orders today, Eric's order was not delivered to him. He checked the lists to see if he had any money in his account, and his name was not even on the list. Since the jail stopped bringing Eric vegan meals, commissary was his only opportunity, however limited, to get a few more dietary essentials than what he pulls off his trays. Now the only food Eric will be receiving is the bread and fruit that he can pull from the trays they bring him. This blatant attack on Eric's health on the eve of his trial is an outrageous attempt to put his right to due process in jeopardy. Please act now - call the jail and demand that they begin feeding him vegan meals - again.
Jail: 916.874.6752
Please make sure that you have Eric's x-reference number handy in case they ask for it: x-2972521

And trial starts tomorrow. . . Please keep Eric in your hearts and minds as he begins this leg of his journey.




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