Since the original Unconventional Action call out the talks have begun. Not even a year away from the Conventions and anarchists and other anti-authoritarians have been coming together to discuss the role the upcoming conventions serve for movements against oppression and injustice. From North Carolina, to Kansas and Minneapolis come Labor Day the consulta model is moving westward to Denver.
Building off a national mobilization to stop the Columbus Day parade's celebration of racism and genocide on its 100th anniversary through the largest act of civil disobedience in Colorado history, Unconventional Denver will be hosting a consulta to move the convention talks forward in October.
Denver has been the battleground for the struggle against the rewriting of history and one of the most blatant demonstrations of white supremacy and bigotry known to the United States. In 1907, Colorado became the first state to celebrate Columbus Day as a state holiday. On its 100th anniversary the Colorado American Indian Movement and its allies are calling on people from across the globe to descend on Denver to make history and end the celebration of genocide where it began.
On October 5th, and possibly the 7th (depending on the aftermath of the protests) we will be using the unique opportunity of having so many of us out in force in Denver to take some time to talk about the conventions. This consulta will be an important one where we will be collecting all proposals, amendments and counter-proposals regarding strategy at the DNC and agree upon an overall strategy that anarchists and fellow anti-authoritarians can choose to plug into. We encourage all interested radicals to hold discussions in your communities about what you'd like to see in Denver, post them for the rest of us to see and also try attending the pRe-NC which will be holding discussions around the RNC as well as the DNC in Denver.
People who are planning to arrive on Friday should try to get there as early as possible so they may be able to participate in the consulta. As things develop we will provide more details on the time and place of the meeting. We recognize that people will both be arriving at all times of the evening and night as well as the fact that people will have varying needs in terms of the timing of the event. In order to accomodate as many people as possible we strongly encourage people to contact us ahead of time letting us know how many plan on attending, an estimated arrival time and any additional services we can provide (whisper translation, childcare, visual aides, etc.) to ensure people can participate to the fullest.
You can reach Unconventional Denver at
unconventionaldenver (at)
We look forward to networking, talking strategy and shutting down Columbus Day with you!
Love and Solidarity,
- Unconventional Denver