Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Animal Rights

Benefit For ADL Chicago This Saturday!!!

Come spend your labor day weekend with Chicago Soydairy at an ice cream party in the park to raise money for The Chicago Animal Defense League (ADL). All the money raised will go to ADL to help get their new video van up and running!

Saturday, September 1st
Haas Playground Park
2402 N. Washtenaw Ave. (East Of Fullerton & California)

In case you don't know anything about ADL Chicago, they are an amazing grassroots animal rights group in Chicago who have been kicking ass for the animals for years. With this new video van, they will be able to show the people of Chicago first hand the suffering endured by animals on factory farms, fur farms, laboratories & any other place animals are oppressed. This tool will be invaluable to their activism.

So come on out and lay down some cash for ADL Chicago & the animals & help get the van rolling.

$11 Gets you all you can eat ice cream cones! (Before you start complaining, remember, all the money is going to fighting for animal rights, so complain to the animals for being oppressed, not us).
$5 gets you 1 cone.

And of course, the boys from soydairy will be there to compete against all you fine people in either Soft Ball, Kick Ball or Ultimate Frisbee! Bring it and we'll see you in the park!



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