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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

Chicago 6 Corners presents ... real-time party for virtual webzine (Aug. 25)

Chicago 6 Corners presents … C6c_launch_party_82507

real-time party for virtual webzine

When: 8 p.m. - Midnight, AUG 25, 2007

Location: ACME Art Works 1741 N. Western

Why: Chicago's NEWEST webzine is launching!

WE'LL HAVE: dancing / poetry / art / drinks / 'zines

Bands: Rebecca Francescatti of Amackerel Sky, The Gnomes & Monadnoc

DJs: sCéNa & Mass Transit

Artists: Adeline Sides, Nuria McNeal & Garth Liebhaber, and others

FREE & COOL stuff

$5 DONATION at the door

Last Word: You enter a random party, you don't know anyone, and the atmosphere is aloof to the point of chilly. You wonder, "What the $%#^ am I doing here?"

This won't be one of those Wicker Park parties. One, the music and dancing will be HOT (only the beverages will be cool). Two, the people will be friendly. Three, YOU are the party. Now mingle and stir.

Oh, and if you want to contact an editor first and talk 'shop' beforehand click here. See you soon!




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