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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Chicago Buses to Sept 15 March on Washington: Get Tickets NOW!

March on Washington - Sept 15, 2007

Get on the Buses from Chicago
Buy Tickets Today!

Come to Washington on Sept 15 for a large antiwar protest timed to coincide with the report by Gen. Petraeus on the "Surge" in Iraq

Ticket Info  -   Donations Needed  -  Payment Options  -  Volunteers NOW!  -  Download Leaflet - Bus Itinerary  -  More Info: March on Washington  -  List of Initial Sponsors & Endorsers

Tickets are $95 to cover the cost of the bus. They can be purchased online, over the phone, by mail, or in person. There is a $5 processing fee for every bus ticket purchased over the internet or by credit card. There are a limited amount of partial and full scholarships. For more information call 773-463-0311.

To get tickets online now click here

Donations Needed!
Your help is needed to sponsor students, youth and people on fixed incomes who would not otherwise be able to go on the buses to the march on Washington. Click here to donate! Scholarships are $50 and $100! You can also donate by phone, mail or in person. Call 773-463-0311 for more info.

Payment Options
** Bus tickets are non-refundable **

Pay Online Now with PayPal or Credit Card
In order to reserve your seat you must include your name and phone number with your payment. You can purchase multiple tickets online.

To get tickets online now click here

Pay over the phone
With credit card: call 773-463-0311
Pay in person
With cash or a check: call 773-463-0311 for more information.
Pay by check over the mail

Send a check for $95 made out to Chicago ANSWER to 3334 W. Lawrence #202, Chicago, IL 60625. Call the ANSWER Office first to make sure that there are still seats on the Bus.


Bus Itinerary

  1. Friday, Sept 14, 5 pm - Bus leaves for Washington D.C.
    Bus Location: Behind the Chicago Art Institute, 100 block of S. Columbus Dr. between Jackson & Monroe
    Click for Directions to Bus Location
  2. 14 Hour bus ride to D.C. - Stops for dinner and breakfast
  3. Saturday, Sept 15, 9 am - Arrive in Washington
  4. Saturday, Sept 15, 6 pm - Board bus back to Chicago. In accordance with laws and regulations for bus drivers, the bus may not depart before 6 pm. The drivers must get 8 hours of sleep before making a return trip.
  5. Sunday, Sept 16, approx. 8 am - Arrive back in Chicago at the Chicago Art Institute

Additional Information

  1. The Bus is Air Conditioned w/ Bathrooms 
  2. No smoking, alcohol or products with liquid dairy in them on the bus!
  3. In accordance with laws and regulations for bus drivers, the bus may not depart on the return trip before 6 pm. The drivers must get 8 hours of sleep before making a return trip.
  4. Because the return time is a few hours after the demonstration ends, it is extremely important to check the weather for Washington before you leave and plan to dress accordingly. We will also provide an up to the date weather report shortly before the demonstration.


ANSWER Chicago (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)

ANSWER Office in Chicago
3334 W. Lawrence #202
Chicago, IL 60625

Volunteer Meetings Every Thursday, 7 pm at the ANSWER Office. The Weekly ANSWER Volunteer Meetings are a great way to meet other Chicago area volunteers/activists, talk about politics and get plugged into anti-war outreach. Join us!

To donate click here or make a check out to ANSWER and mail it to ANSWER Chicago at 3334 W. Lawrence #202, Chicago, IL 60625




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