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LOCAL Announcement :: Environment : Urban Development

Major clean air hearing in Chicago.

Notice from Environment Illinois about upcoming EPA public hearing in Chicago.
I am writing to urge you to participate in U.S. EPA’s air pollution hearing in Chicago, September 5. U.S. EPA is having four hearings in the country, including this one, to allow the public a chance to weigh-in on these critical standards which form the cornerstone of clean air regulation.

Once in a decade or so, U.S. EPA reviews all the scientific data and sets new health standards for ground level ozone or “smog.” The last time was 1997, and since then mountains of new data has emerged to demonstrate that the current standards are not sufficient to prevent serious health impacts. In other words, even if Chicago gets into attainment with the standard, Chicagoans will still be breathing ozone at exposure levels that can cause serious long-term health problems. Unfortunately, U.S EPA’s current proposal falls far short of the standard recommend by the agency’s own scientific advisors (the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee). We are urging U.S. EPA to adopt a standard will fulfill the promise of the clean air act to ensure that every American, even children, senior citizens and people with asthma, is protected from adverse health effects from the simple act of breathing outdoor air.

Where – The Westin at 909 North Michigan Ave, in the Governor’s Suite

When – The hearing will go from 9am to 9pm and you can sign up for a time to testify any time during that block. Environment Illinois and the Respiratory Health Association will be holding a press conference at 10am.

Why – Because we really need to press U.S. EPA to set strong public health standards for ozone “smog.”

To sign up you can either send me a note telling me what times you have available, or contact EPA directly at 919-541-5688 and speak with Tricia Crabtree who will assign you a time. If you sign yourself up, please drop me an email letting me know so that I can keep a list of who’s testifying.

To learn more about the issue, contact me, or go to

Rebecca Stanfield

State Director

Environment Illinois

407 S. Dearborn, Suite 701

Chicago, IL 60605


cell: 773-454-0155



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