Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

Kucinich House Party!

We are having a Kucinich house party this Thursday, August 16th from 7 to 9 PM. Feel free to come by and watch a short DVD about Dennis or simply stop in to pick up information or purchase bumper stickers, yard signs, t-shirts and/or pins.
We are having a Kucinich house party this Thursday, August 16th from 7 to 9 PM.
There's no charge for attending, but we are hoping to raise money for his campaign. Feel free to come by and watch a short DVD about Dennis or simply stop in to pick up information or purchase bumper stickers, yard signs, and/or pins. We'll also have a limited amount of t-shirts for sale as well. We won't be serving food but will have some soda, juice, and water available. If you can't make it to the house party and would like any of the items mentioned above, feel free to e-mail and we'll arrange a time to meet up.

Our address is:
680 N. Lake Shore Dr. apt. 1104
Chicago, IL 60611

Please R.S.V.P. if possible at:
theo_philus (at)

Kucinich in '08!

Maura Smith, Smith Donoghue, Steve Schapiro, and Elle Donoghue



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