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LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

Ramsey Clark: Join me in DC on Sept. 15

September 15 in Washington DC:

Below is an important message from former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark about the upcoming September 15 mass march and rally in Washington DC., the organization Ramsey Clark founded, and hundreds of other impeachment organizations are mobilizing with the anti-war movement for the September 15 Mass March. September 15 is when General David Petraeus makes his report to Congress about the Iraq war. Congress is expected to debate and vote on the question of Iraq war funding in mid-September. The latest this decision can come is Friday, September 28 - the last business day in the 2007 fiscal year. The impeachment movement is bringing thousands of people to join with the anti-war movement on September 15 to insist that Congress uphold its Constitutional mandate and introduce articles of impeachment against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Be in Washington DC on September 15 to make your voice heard!

"Each and every one of us must do all that we can to support the major Peace/Impeachment demonstration in Washington, DC on September 15, 2007, backed by more than a million votes for impeachment, and accelerating. The rally will begin at 12 noon at the White House, followed by a march to the Capitol.

"You can be one in a million demanding the impeachment of the Bush/Cheney cabal if you act fast. More than 929,000 have voted to Impeach at and more are pouring in by the hour. There are only six weeks left before the major Peace and Impeachment rally on September 15, 2007 in Washington. We intend to reach the first Million by then."

Ramsey Clark

To read the full message from Ramsey Clark, click here:

~ A MESSAGE FROM MEDEA BENJAMIN, Cofounder, CODEPINK and Global Exchange ~

"What could General Petraeus say in his report to Congress, due September 15, that would make us support the occupation of Iraq? NOTHING. That's why it's so critical to be out in the streets of Washington, en masse, on September 15, to tell Congress 'No More Excuses, Period. End the Occupation, Impeach Bush and Cheney.'"

~ A MESSAGE FROM NAVY PETTY OFFICER J. HUTTO, SR. from the Appeal For Redress ~

"I urge everyone to join me and other active duty soldiers and veterans on September 15 in Washington DC. The invasion of Iraq by the United States is an attack against humanity. It is an attack against the people of Iraq killing over 700,000 and destroying their way of life. It is an attack against the people of America, killing over 3,000 troops, maiming tens of thousands and burdening Americans at the expense of healthcare, education, jobs and justice. ..."


A broad spectrum of national groups have united to mobilize for a massive fall Peace/Impeachment mobilization called the Days of Action. September 15-21 will be a major showdown in Washington, DC at the very moment that the Petraeus Report is released and Congress takes up spending over $100 billion to prolong the war. Launched with a huge March on Washington on September 15, led by veterans who have returned from Iraq, there will be seven days of actions to send a shockwave through Washington and the nation with the reverberating demand: End the War Now!

At a July 18 planning meeting of the September 15 Coalition held in Washington DC, representatives from Veterans for Peace (VFP), Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, National Council of Arab Americans, CODEPINK, Grassroots America, Democracy Rising, Howard University student leaders,, National Lawyers Guild, ANSWER Coalition and others came together to plan a powerful mobilization at this critical moment to bring the war to an end. The groups have all agreed to bring their respective constituencies together and at the meeting made plans for the September 15 March on Washington DC. The march will be led by veterans returned from Iraq and their families, and will include a major and dramatic die-in of thousands. It will be followed by days of protest and direct action which will take place in Washington DC and elsewhere from September 16-21.

On July 18, Cindy Sheehan was on the road in the middle of her Journey for Humanity March but she too will be with us in Washington DC on September 15. U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW) and others in the labor movement are also supporting the September 15 action. Malik Rahim of the Common Ground Collective in New Orleans, Ramsey Clark, Howard Zinn, and hundreds of other organizations and prominent leaders are also involved in the September 15 March on Washington.

It was decided at the July 18 planning meeting that all organizations would work within a unified structure and framework, and that different organizations would provide leadership and act as the anchor for different parts of the September 15-21 actions. A web site has been created to promote the September 15 March and all the other activities that will be organized in Washington DC between September 15-21: An invitation is also open to all other organizations to join in this coalition or to endorse the activities.

We urge every organization to join in this effort. To register your support for the September 15 march and the actions scheduled in the days following September 15, click on this link:


People are traveling to be in Washington DC on Saturday, September 15 from across they country. They are coming by bus, car, van, train, plane - every form of transportation possible - from the East Coast, South, Midwest and West Coast!

Contact the Sept. 15 Bus/Transportation Center in your area and buy your bus ticket now! You can do so by clicking the link below to get a list of transportation contacts:

If you can become a Transportation Center and help bring others to Washington, you can sign up to do so by clicking here:


Do one or more of the following.

YES, I can join the mass march in Washington DC on September 15. Click below to sign up:

YES, I will participate in the mass Die-In/Funeral. Click below to sign up:
There will be information packets about logistics and legal Know Your Rights information sent to all those participating. The National Lawyers Guild Mass Defense Committee and the Partnership for Civil Justice will be providing legal support for the demonstration.

YES, I can help with a tax-deductible donation. Click below to sign up:


Please make an urgently needed donation today. We must immediately raise funds to pay for buses, posters, leaflets, stickers, sound, stage and the many other expenses associated with a mass, grassroots organizing campaign. We have succeeded in making this movement grow because of the financial donations from you and thousands of others. Please make a much needed online donation, or learn how you can contribute by check, by clicking the link below now:



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