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On Senator Barac Obama.

A presidential candidate
oversteps qualifications
bounds. This action says
more about him than
anything he promises.
Reporting from Washington.

In my last news brief, "A
Need For Guns In D.C.",
which disclosed the
unfortunate events of
aid to Congresswoman Melissa
Bean of Illinois. An error
is corrected, where readers
were held in suspence.
The article that now makes
it known that, somehow or
another Executive Assistant
Michael Larosa had his brief
case swiped from him, even
though it was returned days
later. I delivered his
property, especially after he
continued to dispute the
facts of missing notes from
that case. Larosa, just like
many of us in D.C., including
those who visit here, are now
aware that handgun protection
is needed. Nevertheless, if
the Congressional aide wants
to get technical about
"missing" notes, the campaign
packet supporting Barac Obama
for president should have been
sent up the river. Though they
still remained in his briefcase
when it was returned. As a
42 year old Black man myself,
I can attest to this, because
Senator Obama, a Black man
himself, is taking Black
votes for granted. By law,
U.S. Senators are elected for
six year terms, not three that
Mr. Obama would desire to have
it. We have to mindful that he
was elected in 2004, and his
term began in January 2005.
Obama sends this message that
he cares. Well if he did, by
law he would concentrate on
his duties as U.S. Senator
and not be in the 2008 race.
But like his former counterpart
in Maryland and the Republican
Party--Lt. Governor Michael
Steele--his ego has gotten in
the way. This action of
Senator Obama not only
creates problems for Blacks
because it continues divisions
with Whites. Most Blacks are
not going to vote for Obama
because he is qualified, they
are going to vote for him
because he is Black. I for one,
will not do it. And it would
be appreciative of Whites not
to support anyone Black just
because they feel sorry for
what has happended to Blacks.
It is better to support someone
who is qualified than to play
the card of sympathy.

Obama may say anthing to get
votes or look tough, but his
interuption of his Senate term
speaks louder.



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