Justice for Filipino American Veterans ( JFAV ) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, will join the 5th Historic Filipino Town Festival on August 4 and 5.
Energized by recent victories JFAV veterans leaders led by Commanders Franco Arcebal,Peping Baclig, Jack Vergara and Nick Gadia will support the 5th year of commemorative activities on the designation by the city as Historic Filipinotown.
The August 4-5 activities will be capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 300 runners and walkers will participate on the event.
JFAV Update 02
August 2, 2007
Los Angeles—Justice for Filipino American Veterans ( JFAV ) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, will join the 5th Historic Filipino Town Festival on August 4 and 5.
Energized by recent victories JFAV veterans leaders led by Commanders Franco Arcebal,Peping Baclig, Jack Vergara and Nick Gadia will support the 5th year of commemorative activities on the designation by the city as Historic Filipinotown.
The August 4-5 activities will be capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 300 runners and walkers will participate on the event.
JFAV, the alliance of veterans organizations and community and youth/student groups will participate in the two days activities led by the Historic Filipinotown Council, the GEPENC, Rotary Club of Historic Filipintiown and other groups.
JFAV youths will gather petitions and submit the petition to the White House and the U.S. Congress before they adjourn on October 2007. Earlier on May 24, the full Senate overwhelmingly voted (87 to 9) for the Filipino Veterans Family Reunification Amendment of Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-HI). However the underlying controversial Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill was blocked.
On June 27, the Senate VA Committee approved and included their equity pension bill introduced by Senators Daniel Akaka and Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) in the omnibus bill S. 1315. On July 17, the House Veterans Affairs Committee chaired by Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA) approved the Filipino Veterans Equity Act, H.R. 760.
JFAV Mass Actions in Southern California
JFAV also participated in other events last July. Other activities were:
- Last July 26, JFAV activists joined the 24-hour prayer and peace vigil of the United Health Care Workers West (UHW) at the Huntington Park Community and Mission Hospitals at 2623 E. Slauson Ave, 90255 with community and health care workers.
The rally-vigil started last July 26 at 10:00 Am and ended on July 27. The healthc are workers are demanding a stop to subcontracting, fair wages and benefits and access to training.
- On July 27, JFAV also joined the citizenship workshop conducted by the NALEO held in Washington St.office in Los Angeles. JFAV and UHW mobilized at least 10 volunteers who helped in the workshop. More than a thousand people beat the deadline for citizenship application whose deadline is July 29 midnight.
- Also on July 27, the United Filipino American Veterans (UFAV) led by Commander Eugenio Mondok held a benefit dance to mark the 66th USAFFE Day in Angelus Plaza Apartment on Hill. St.
- Earlier on August 1, the JFAV Executive Committee met at SIPA e and started planning for the JFAV activities for the last quarter of 2007. The 7th Annual Veterans Day in Historic Filipinotown in Los Angeles will be held on November 11, 2007.
ACFV Action in Jersey City
Meanwhile in the East Coast, on Saturday, August 4 at 5 P.M., the Philippine American Veterans Organization (PAVO) and the Pan American Concerned Citizens Action League (PaCCAL) will hold a forum community forum in Jersey City NJ at the Our Lady of Victories School Auditorium (corner of Ege and Westside Avenues) for the roundtable discussion and action plans of the students and the veterans wi th the ACFV executive director, Eric Lachica.
ACFV leaders will intensify grassroots lobbying campaign bills before congressional session ends in October.
For more information on the Filipino World War II advocacy and activities please call Arturo P. Garcia @(213)241-0995 or email@
jfav_causa (at) yahoo.com/
apg_pcore (at) hotmail.com