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Scientists mobilizing to fight President Bush

More than 60 influential scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, are mobilizing scientists and citizens alike to push for reforms that will protect our health, safety, and environment.
The Scientific Integrity Program from the Union of Concerned Scientists
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The Surgeon General's draft report, in language linking
public health problems with violence and other social ills,
says "we cannot overstate . . .hunger, disease, and death
resulting from poor food and nutrition create social and
political instability . . .


Please note the fair use statement after this censored & copyrighted article.
that is also attached and titled,
" Scientists claim President Bush bends data, Distortions are said to serve policy goals".

Bush Appointee Blocked 2006 Surgeon
General's Report
Christopher Lee and Marc Kaufman of the Washington Post report in
Sunday 29 July 2007 edition that a 2006 report urging Americans to help
tackle global health problems was kept from public
view largely because it did not promote White House objectives.
Go to Original at:>


Richard H. Carmona, who commissioned the "Call to
Action on Global Health" while serving as surgeon general
from 2002 to 2006, recently cited its suppression as an
example of the Bush administration's frequent efforts
during his tenure to give scientific documents a political
twist. At a July 10 House committee hearing, Carmona did
not cite Steiger by name or detail the report's contents and
its implications for American public health.

After a long struggle that pitted top scientific and medical
experts inside and outside the government against Steiger
and his political bosses, Carmona refused to make the
requested changes, according to the officials. Carmona
engaged in similar fights over other public health reports,
including an unpublished report on prison health. A few
days before the end of his term as the nation's senior
medical officer, he was abruptly told he would not be

End of excerpts from:

Bush Appointee Blocked 2006 Surgeon
General's Report
Christopher Lee and Marc Kaufman of the Washington Post report in Sunday 29 July 2007


Scientific Integrity Program | Union of Concerned Scientists
Union of Concerned Scientists. Page Last Revised: 07/26/07.
We are mobilizing scientists and citizens alike to push for reforms
that will protect our health, safety, and environment.


FDA Scientists Pressured to Exclude, Alter Findings
The Union of Concerned Scientists released survey
results that demonstrate pervasive and dangerous political
influence of science at the FDA. -pressured.html
- 30

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The Beaching To Impeach Project
Photo's of over 1,000 people laying on a

beach to spell IMPEACH NOW
Join the crusade (with action links) at


The Toxic Reverend
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Scientists claim Bush bends data
James Glanz
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The International Herald Tribune 02-18-2004
From the Archives "WayBack Machine" :>

Distortions are said to serve policy goals

More than 60 influential scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, have
issued a statement asserting that the Bush administration has systematically
distorted scientific fact in the service of policy goals on the environment,
health, biomedical research and nuclear weapons at home and abroad.

The sweeping accusations on Wednesday were discussed later in a
conference call organized by the Union of Concerned Scientists, an
independent organization that focuses on technical issues and has
often taken stands at odds with administration policy. The organization
also issued a 38-page report Wednesday.

The statement and report accuse the administration of repeatedly
censoring and suppressing reports by its own scientists, stacking
advisory committees with unqualified political appointees, disbanding
government panels that provide unwanted advice, and refusing to
seek independent scientific expertise in some cases.

According to the report, the Bush administration has misrepresented
scientific consensus on global warming, censored at least one report on
climate change, manipulated scientific findings on the emissions of mercury
from power plants and suppressed information on condom use.

The report asserts that the administration allowed industries with
conflicts of interest to influence technical advisory committees and
subjected prospective members of scientific panels to political litmus
tests. "Other administrations have, on occasion, engaged in such
practices, but not so systematically nor on so wide a front," the
statement from the scientists said, adding that they believed the
administration had "misrepresented scientific knowledge and misled
the public about the implications of its policies."

Kurt Gottfried, an emeritus professor of physics at Cornell University
who is chairman of the board of directors of the Union of Concerned
Scientists, said the administration had "engaged in practices that are
in conflict with spirit of science and the scientific method."

John Marburger 3rd, science adviser to President George W. Bush
and director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White
House, said it was important to listen to "the distinguished scientific
leadership in this country." But he said the report by the Union of
Concerned Scientists consisted of a largely disconnected list of events
that did not make the case for a suppression of good scientific advice
by the administration.

"I think there are incidents where people have got their feathers
ruffled," Marburger said. "In most cases, these are not profound
actions that were taken as the result of a policy. They are individual
actions that are part of the normal processes within the agencies."
D. Allan Bromley, the science adviser to President George H.W. Bush,
the current president's father, went further. Bromley, a physicist at
Yale, called the statement "clearly" politically motivated and said it
was made up of "sweeping generalizations."

The Union of Concerned Scientists denied that it had political
motives in releasing the documents as the 2004 presidential race
began to take clear shape. The organization's report, Gottfried
said, had taken a year to prepare, much longer than planned, and
was released as soon as it was ready. "I don't see it as a partisan
issue at all," said Russell Train, an administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
"If it becomes that way, I think it's because the White House chooses
to make it a partisan issue." The letter was signed by luminaries
from a broad array of disciplines. Among the Nobel winners are
David Baltimore, Leon Lederman, Norman Ramsey, Harold Varmus
and Steven Weinberg. Signatories and the union's report can be
found at
The New York Times


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The Toxic Reverend
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Peer Reviewed Medical Journal on Chronic
Illnesses and Stealth Infections from
Biological & chemical weapons www.immed.orghtt

Note: The Gulf War Vets have posted:>
"Beyond Treason", "What you do not know about
our government and health care could kill you"

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The Criminalization Of Homelessness;
A Problem Becoming A Solution

The Gospel of Toxic Revelations
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