On August 11 plan on traveling to the Galena area for protest of Illinois' newest war profiteer: Blackwater
More than 100,000 contractors in Iraq could prolong the war in Iraq far past any "withdrawal" date. One of the worst offenders of human rights abuses and largest recipient of federal no bid contracts for war is Blackwater USA. Blackwater already owns the largest private military base in the world (in Moyock, NC) and now has expanded into Illinois.
Gather for the first-ever protest of this new facility in Jo Daviess County, near Galena.
The "Gathering at the Gates" on August 11, from 2-4 p.m. will feature speakers and music acts. Invited speakers include author Jeremy Scahill, speakers from Kick Boeing to the Curb, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, and the Clearwater group and invited musicians include Chicago-based Chris Inserra and Voices, Dave Martin, groups from across the state and local acts. Why travel 3 hours? Activists in this rural region need our support as do some nervous neighbors of BW who need to see as many people saying "NO" to paramilitary training, here and everywhere, as possible.
We also need to draw attention to the legitimation of Blackwater here in Illinois. The UIUC Police Institute, a 47- year old publicly funded, "public service" unit has just signed a "Partnership" with Blackwater. This arrangement guarantees state funds will flow into this war profiteer's bloody hands and that Illinois police officers will be trained there. In addition to acting as a paramilitary police force outside of any law, in Iraq and in New Orleans, Blackwater, like Boeing, has also been linked to torture. Say no to torture, war profiteering, and your tax dollars paying for it. Gather with us at the Gates of Blackwater.
If you can help flyer, or if you want more info. please contact Mary at
mary (at) noprivatearmies.org.