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LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

Aug 3-5: VVAW's 40th Anniversary Celebration

August 3-5

Since 1967, Vietnam Veterans Against the War has been at the forefront of struggles for veterans’ rights, peace and justice – from struggling to end the war in Vietnam, recognizing the importance of PTSD and exposing the horrific effects of Agent Orange to our more recent role in opposing the unjust war in Iraq and supporting our sons, daughters and comrades in Iraq Veterans Against the War. Join us in Chicago during the first weekend in August to celebrate VVAW’s 40th Anniversary.

  • Friday, August 3: Welcome reception at Vietnamese Thai Binh Restaurant
  • Saturday, August 4: 10:45 AM - Daytime program and evening party/social - Roosevelt University - 430 S. Michigan
  • Sunday, August 5: Events TBD

    VVAW members from the National Office and the Chicago Chapter will be coordinating the arrangements and planning the program. We welcome and appreciate your suggestions and input; please contact us at with your ideas. Additionally, if you or someone you know would like information on purchasing space in the program booklet, please contact us at the email address above. We hope that as many of you as possible will join us – to celebrate, to remember, to reconnect, and to build the work of the organization that you have created and sustained. Please REGISTER EARLY – SPACE IS LIMITED!

    [If you want to attend but cannot afford the expenses (and are legitimately broke, not just cheap), contact the 40th Planning Committee; we will do what we can to get you here! Email or call (773) 276-4189.]

    For more info, visit VVAW's 40th Annivesary Celebration webpage

    We look forward to seeing you in Chicago.

    Vietnam Veterans Against the War National Office



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