The NYT posted the following video on Common Ground Clinic. "The Little Clinic that Could"
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More on Common Ground Health Clinic:
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After Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans, the humanitarian disaster followed exacerbated by existing poverty, racism and the scandalous emergency response and relief operations. Malik Rahima and Sharon Johnson - community activists in Algiers put a call out for a progressive response and for emergency medics to run a first aid station and help develop a permanent health clinic.
The section of Algiers we are in is mostly poor and mostly black. The community has been under-served by accessible health care for years - only a maternal/newborn clinic has been functioning. Public health care for those without insurance (i.e. poor men and non-prgnant women) was available via the now closed Charity Hospital Emergency Room, with waits of 12 hours or more for non-emergent cases.
Volunteers answering the call formed the Common Ground Collective. Three First Responder anarchist "Street Medics" and two community activists answered the medics' call - and set up a First Aid station September 9 in a mosque turned over to them.
Several days later, doctors, nurses, herbalists and massage therapists began showing up, and then arrived national attention from the progressive/left community in the U.S. spreading at the speed of Internet. The first aid station became a functioning clinic operating morning to night every day, doing house calls, and setting up temporary satellite clinics in a church and in wards in New Orleans.
We have been working to make this a professional and effective primary care clinic, offering free treatment along with free supplies like vitamins, baby food, and health and hygiene goods.
The rapid response of donated supplies and offers to help from individuals and organizations has been wonderful - if not organizationally challenging. We are proud of the quality and comprehensiveness of our care. Ironically, we count allies among not just residents here and surrounding parishes who come for health care, but also unlikely sources such as the military, City workers, FEMA contractors, the Red Cross, etc.. They respect that we are competent, organized, dependable, entirely civilian and non-militarized.
We are guided by several principles: holistic community health - providing professional and free care; democracy and solidarity - we answer to the community needs; and make major operating decisions by consensus when possible.
Despite the new and emergency circumstances of this clinic, we are operating with the highest professional standards possible - exceeding other local health care clinics in both patient load and maintaining essential infrastructure. Unlike most clinics which carefully plan their systems and resources BEFORE opening their doors, we were forced to do the opposite. Currently, our adequate staff volunteers affords us the space to stand back and better plan our work models and development strategy - although it still feels like we are building the plane as we fly it. Our patient documentation is intended to be part of their ongoing health record.
Our next challenge is to transition into a permanent community-controlled, primary care health clinic in a larger space. We see the clinic as an anchor in community development, staffed by local health professionals and residents.
Almost all the rescue and relief in the first week of the disaster was carried out by local residents and some officials helping each other survive. They were ignored by the media who focused on the late arriving military and outside volunteers. A significant problem post-Katrina has been relief workers frequently re-creating their middle class and white cultural community inside other peoples' community, while treating the survivors as pitiful objects in a patronizing fashion.
Most of the outside clinic volunteers have been white, middle class and/or well educated. This can present barriers to patients who may not have similar privileges - especially if we act in a manner that excludes their participation. Our challenge is to assist the community here to participate in, learn, and take over this health care project. It isn't easy to work ourselves out of a fulfilling job and separate from people we become attached to - but volunteers need to remind themselves that we are helping build a community-controlled clinic, and not "our" clinic for 'their' community.
We are committed to working with the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond to hold undoing racism workshops for clinic staff. They have a deep history of work with other clinics and grassroots organizations locally and nationally.
Clinic Timeline
Sept. 5, 2005: In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Algiers residents Malik Rahim and Sharon Johnson help found the Common Ground Collective, dedicated to mutual aid relief. Volunteers arrive from throughout the nation with supplies.
Sept. 9, 2005: Common Ground sets up a 24-hour First Aid Station with the assistance of “street medics” who previously addressed emergency health needs at political demonstrations. They work out of the Masjid Bilal, an Algiers mosque that the imams graciously donated for 4 months.
Sept. 24, 2005: The volunteers at the First Aid Station remain in Algiers for the landfall of Hurricane Rita and the re-flooding of the 9th Ward. Doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, herbalists, body workers, counselors, pharmacists, acupuncturists, and physical therapists begin pouring in to work with Common Ground. The First Aid Station develops into a free emergency response health care clinic.
October 2005: The Common Ground Health Clinic operates 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. Residents, evacuees, contract workers, and other relief workers flood the clinic, hitting a peak attendance of 150 on one day in early October. Thousands are immunized thanks to generous vaccination donations. Home visits and mobile clinics are organized to serve people in the 9th Ward, Kenner, Houma, and other areas of New Orleans. The Clinic holds a 1-month anniversary block party on Socrates Street.
November 2005: The Clinic starts devoting most of its energies to the Algiers communities and begins bringing in community volunteers. Clinicians set up a First Aid Station at the new Common Ground Distribution Center at Louisa and Robertson in the 9th Ward. Volunteers concerned for the health and safety of migrant workers create the Latino Health Outreach Project.
December 2005: The Clinic starts cutting down operating hours to encourage higher-quality care and to prepare for the move into a new building. The Claiborne Health Center emerges as the East Bank street medic branch of the Common Ground Health Clinic. The Clinic holds a holiday bash in recognition of all its community and out-of-town volunteers.
January 2006: The Common Ground Health Clinic opens across the street from the mosque, now at 1400 Teche Street, a former cornerstore. After volunteering in the Fall, Ravi Vadlamudi, MD, becomes the Medical Director of the clinic. Features of the new clinic space include 4 patient rooms, a Patient Assistance Program for prescription coverage needs, and a full indoor waiting area! Hours and days of operation shift depending on availability of New Orleans doctors. The Clinic starts forming relationships with St. Thomas Clinic, Odyssey House, Daughters of Charity, and the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond.
February-May 2006: The Clinic settles on its current schedule, operating 4 days a week. New services include herb classes, health education, Medicare/Medicaid application assistance, HIV testing from N’R Peace, case management, and lab work. Claiborne Health Center, the Latino Health Outreach Project, and the Odyssey House Clinic operate 3 days a week. The Clinic begins the hiring process for 3 salaried positions.
June-August 2006: Common Ground Health Clinic now has 4 hired staff snf launches a process with other long-term clinic volunteers to create a fully representative Board of Directors. The Clinic provides advice and support for two up-and-coming clinics, the INCITE! Women’s Clinic in the Treme and the Lower 9th Ward Community Health Clinic in the 9th Ward. Volunteers, staff, clinic clients and supporters make preparations for the Clinic’s 1-year anniversary. They also schedule a retreat in early October to start a clear strategic planning process for future sustainability and accountability.
(504) 361-9800
1400 Teche St. New Orleans 70114
P.O. Box 741801, New Orleans, LA 70174-1801
web: email:
healthalgiers (at)