Globalization is a creative challenge, not a fate.. People conscious of the power of their dignity gain freedom to create more just living conditions.. Only when my enemy has a dignified place can I live in peace.
By Reinhard Hoppner
[This address from the 31st Evangelical church day in Koln, June 7, 2007 is translated from the German on the World Wide Web,]
We cast bridges between Koln and Heiligendamm, between the church day here and the church day in Rostock. I have brought a candle from the ecumenical church service in Munster that burned on our altar at the opening church service here in Koln. The themes of globalization occupy us here and there.
Globalization is a creative challenge, not a fate. The question of human dignity helps us distinguish when we are on the wrong track and what way opens up the future.
Where human dignity is trampled and people are diverted from the real problems whether through ignorance or stone-throwers, we must raise our voices and protest. Life and the future are where human dignity can unfold.
The same dignity is given to every person by God. People conscious of the power of their dignity gain freedom to act and create more just living conditions. The power of the powerful is broken by the power of the seemingly weak. The powerful are dethroned when they trample on human dignity.
The message of the church day to the G8 summit is clear:
- We say: Tear down the wall between those who decide and those impacted by these decisions. Future-friendly solutions are only found by including the voice of the afflicted. This decides over the legitimation of this summit and also over success and failure. Look at the Iraq war, an atrocious example how chaos arises when the affected are not included in time.
- We say: Do not rely on growth that wounds human dignity. Set framing conditions to the market under which human dignity can develop. Do not let money govern the world but political reason that asks what helps people and human coexistence. Peace grows out of justice.
- We say: Respect the dignity of the weak. God’s power is powerful in them. The unjust structures of the world economy make too many persons into losers. God’s way is different. We see that in Jesus. He brought back humiliated persons hurled to the edge of society into the middle of society. That is our task and challenge, working for justice.
- We say: Do not destroy God’s creation any more. Climate change shows us: Time presses. We must act today so our children and grandchildren have air to breathe and room to live.
- And lastly a simple rule: Avoid humiliations. Humiliations lead to violence and terrorism. God’s word is very sharp. Only when my enemy has a dignified place can I live in peace. Whoever relies on the power of the stronger humiliates the weaker and reaps violence.
Our vision is found in the Bible: the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, lepers are cleansed and maniacs speak with clear understanding. Yes, even the greedy are healed. The sigh of the creation will be answered with sympathy. We hold fast to this vision: A better world is possible.
Our hope is alive and mighty. God is on the side of the weak. God will not be mocked.