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Iraq Veteran Denied Entry to Kirk Event Despite Buying Ticket

For Immediate Release Contact: Josh Levin
July 10, 2007 202.904.7792

North Suburban Residents Rally Outside Chamber of Commerce Event Highlighting Costs of Iraq War
Northbrook, Illinois

Citizens of Congressman Mark Kirk’s district (IL – 10) today were rallying outside a luncheon where the Congressman was the slated keynote speaker when Iraq veteran Josh Lansdale was denied entry by event organizers despite having previously purchased a ticket online. When Lansdale, the Iraq Summer campaign’s Illinois Veterans Organizer, identified himself as a member of AAEI, he was told his name was not on the list even after producing his order confirmation for the ticket. He was told the event was sold out and he could not purchase a second ticket, but organizers continued selling tickets to other people at the door.

Lansdale approached Congressman Kirk as he arrived, identified himself as an Iraq war veteran and asked Congressman Kirk to explain his position on the Iraq war. Congressman Kirk replied, “Have fun in Washington.”

Lansdale tried to approach Congressman Kirk as he left the event to try once again to get an answer to his question, but he was blocked by Congressman Kirk’s aides.

“Congressman Kirk should be focused on bringing the troops home from Iraq, not disrespecting Iraq veterans and ducking war opponents,” said Lansdale. “He should not underestimate the opposition to his continued support for the President’s failed Iraq policy. Congressman Kirk needs to be a leader and have the courage to stand up to the President, not blindly follow his failed policy of endless war. If Congressman Kirk is going to try and hide from everyone who’s calling for an end to the war in Iraq, he’s going to be a pretty lonely guy.”

Congressman Kirk was scheduled to speak about needed funds for local infrastructure improvements. Outside the event local activists, including Northbrook Chamber of Commerce member David Borris, made sure the facts were known about how the cost of the Iraq War is holding up domestic spending initiatives that could help American businesses. The non-partisan Congressional Research Service released a report this week revealing that President Bush’s escalation is costing U.S. taxpayers $12 billion per month.
“It is outrageous that our Congressman continues to support this reckless war while urgent priorities are left unattended to here at home,” said the local business owner Borris. “He is either unaware of the lives, dollars and American prestige that this tragic mistake has cost, or he simply does not care. Either way, he has a responsibility to represent the over 65% of the voters who want a real plan to bring our troops home.”

Matt Lowry, a Lake Forest teacher, added, “How effective can Congressman Kirk be at bringing funds to the district when $441 billion is spent on this reckless war in Iraq?”

Today’s rally was coordinated by the “Iraq Summer Campaign” a nationwide campaign organized by Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, which has dispatched nearly 100 organizers to the home states and districts of Republican Senators and Representatives who have opposed setting a timeline to end the war in Iraq. The program is modeled on the “Freedom Summer” civil rights project. Organizers are in fifteen states from Nevada to Maine, a total of 40 congressional districts.

Americans Against Escalation in Iraq is a major, multi-million dollar national campaign to oppose the President’s escalation of the Iraq war and work for the safe, responsible redeployment of American troops out of Iraq. AAEI’s broad coalition is made up of SEIU, Political Action, Center for American Progress Action Fund, USAction, Win Without War, Vote Vets, Campaign for America's Future, USSA, Working Assets, Americans United for Change, Campus Progress Action, and American citizens across the country.



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