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Elton John Ukraine Concert. A cover-up?
They say ‘people have short memories’ and current events demonstrate just how true that is. For years, ‘AIDS’ activists have insisted that the former member States of the USSR have been down playing an ‘AIDS epidemic’ and are too proud to even ask for help.
Elton John aids massive Chernobyl cover-up.
They say ‘people have short memories’ and current events demonstrate just how true that is. For years, ‘AIDS’ activists have insisted that the former member States of the USSR have been down playing an ‘AIDS epidemic’ and are too proud to even ask for help.
They, however, don’t seem just a little bit surprised that officials of the new Ukrainian Republic have suddenly invited Elton John to perform a concert in the Ukraine intended to draw attention to a massive ‘AIDS’ epidemic in the region. Suddenly they freely admit they cannot afford to treat more than 1,500 of the thousands of ‘AIDS’ cases.
Why, one may ask, the sudden desire to draw as much International attention to their economic failings and a ‘massive AIDS epidemic’ in their fledgling State?
For those with a few memory cells left intact, the answer is clear.
On 26th April 1986, a nuclear reactor reached melt-down at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The disaster caused by a flawed reactor design and serious operating errors made by the plant operators who lacked even basic training. Large areas of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and beyond were contaminated. Around 150,000 people were evacuated from the contaminated area, and between 300,000 and 600,000 took part in the so called clean-up.
At the time, experts warned the long term effects of the disaster would include birth defects, cancers and immune suppression. In the years following the disaster the nuclear lobby Worldwide has done everything to minimize the effects of the accident and claim the long term predicted effects would not materialize.
Despite experts like Dr. Stewart of the Nuclear Energy Agency Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development saying: -
“We have found that adult workers experience substantial measurable increases in cancer mortality following even low level exposure to external radiation; and that sensitivity to the effects of radiation increases as adults age. One explanation for changes, as we age, sensitivity to radiation is that as people age, their immune system slows down, and body is less able to repair the damage caused by radiation”.
And in his study entitled Low-Dose Radiation Exposure, Dr David Richardson said: -
“Strontium 90 represents the most significant isotope of concern because of its relatively long half-life (29 years) and because of the bone-seeking properties of strontium. The most serious effects of oral exposure to absorbed radioactive strontium are necrotic lesions and cancers of bone and the adjacent tissues. High level acute exposures can destroy hematopoietic bone marrow, leading to acute radiation syndrome (see below), the primary cause of mortality in the short term".
"At lower doses, irradiation of bone marrow may lead to chronic suppression of immune function. The consequences of inhalation exposures in animals vary depending on the solubility of the form of radiostrontium. Insoluble particles tend to be retained in the lung, resulting in pneumonitis; necrosis of the pulmonary, vascular, and adjacent myocardial tissues; pulmonary fibrosis; and, later, pulmonary and vascular cancers".
"Inhalation of soluble radiostrontium does not have these local effects because the material is absorbed and distributed in the skeleton. The effects of inhalation of soluble strontium are, therefore, similar to those described for the oral route: acute radiation syndrome and other hematopoietic effects, osteosarcoma, and immunosuppression.”
Put simply the ‘AIDS epidemic’ is no such thing. It is the predicted low dose, long term effects of the Chernobyl accident. It clearly is in everyone’s economic interests (International actions for damages could cost the near bankrupt State a fortune and then there is the powerful nuclear lobby to contend with too) to attribute the diseases and immune suppression to ‘AIDS’ and hope everyone has a short memory.
It is sad that Elton John remembers Norma Jean but has forgotten Chernobyl.