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Announcement :: Labor : Peace

IVAW Loop Action, plus Michael Moore - Next Labor Beat

IVAW conduct first casualty tour actions in Chicago Loop; Michael more speaks at Chicago Sicko rall. Thursday night, CAN TV. Cablecast and purchase information.
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First Casualty2s.jpg
IVAW "occupies" Chicago's Loop
photo: Steve Dalber/Labor Beat
Segment 1: “Chicago Occupied—The IVAW First Casualty Tour”

On Monday, June 18, Iraq Veterans Against the War roamed the streets of Chicago's Loop putting on street theater enactments showing what it is like (for Iraqis) to be occupied by a foreign army (the US Army). IVAW members talk about why they are doing this, and why they are calling for troops home now.

Segment 2: “Michael and Studs: The Sicko Rally”

On Thurs June 21, filmmaker Michael Moore headed up a rally in Millennium Park to call for national single payer health insurance, and to promote his new movie "Sicko". This segment includes his speech, and that of Studs Terkel, who introduces him. Also, short remarks by Dr. Quentin Young.

Chicago CAN TV Cable Channel 19
Thurs., July 12, 9:30 pm
Fri., July 13, 4:30 pm
Thurs., July 19, 9:30 pm
Fri., July 20, 4:30 pm

To order a dvd of both segments: $15 by PayPal, go to, fill out the form with your mailing address, and title "Chicago Occupied" of dvd.

Or send check for $15 to Labor Beat, 37 S. Ashland, Chicago, IL 60607

Labor Beat. Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner. Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220; views expressed are those of the producer, not necessarily of IBEW. For more information: mail (at),, 312-226-3330



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