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Israel Arming Nicaragua

Customs officers uncovered more than 1,000 weapons aboard a ship en route from Israel to Nicaragua during a routine cargo inspection, the governor of the southern Andalusia region said Wednesday.


Posted 07/04/07 11:13
Spanish customs officers uncovered more than 1,000 weapons aboard a ship en route from Israel to Nicaragua during a routine cargo inspection, the governor of the southern Andalusia region said Wednesday.
Gov. Juan Jose Lopez Garzon said officers in the port of Algesiras confiscated 400 pistols, 300 rifles and 380 carbines found in a container on the Maersk Detroit on Tuesday.
There were also 500 air guns, the only weapons declared on the manifest.
The firearms were detected thanks to a new scanner, paid for by Washington, whose use is obligatory on all ships bound for the United States.
The Maersk Detroit, a container ship, had come from Haifa and was due to call at a U.S. port before arriving at Managua.
It was allowed to continue its route towards Italy after the container with the weapons was offloaded.



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