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Secret Blackwater Illinois Camp

Lurking Beneath The Surface of Blackwater North
author: Dan Kenney e-mail: dan (at)
This article describes my visit to Blackwater USA's new training site in Northwest Illinois.
Lurking Beneath the Surface of Blackwater North

Lurking Beneath The Surface of Blackwater North
author: Dan Kenney e-mail: dan (at)
This article describes my visit to Blackwater USA's new training site in Northwest Illinois.
Lurking Beneath the Surface of Blackwater North

The stillness of tree lined Skunk Hallow Road in Jo Daviess County Illinois, twenty miles from the beautiful Palisades along the Mississippi River, will soon be shattered by gunfire. Not the gun fire of wild turkey hunters but the gunfire from a new training facility for the most powerful mercenary army in the world, Blackwater USA.
I had a view of Blackwater's new Illinois facility that is usually reserved for the hawks circling overhead. I stood on-top their climbing/rappelling/shooting tower looking down at the bulldozers busy moving tons of earth to create more shooting ranges.
On eighty acres in this isolated corner of Illinois, one hundred miles from Chicago, Blackwater is creating another large training site. This site will eventually, according to Blackwater North's vice deputy Eric Davis, compare to their headquarters in North Carolina....<more>


Easy to disrupt -

Call evey Audubon chapter in Illinois. Call the state chapter. Email all Aubudon chapters in country including the national chapter. Get the folks out there with binoculars and cameras. File injunctions to stop the wildlife refuge from being harmed.

Call every other conservation group in the state, etc. Call all water authorities - local and state - contamination from ammunitons, etc.

Contact all local school boards. And the state education department. Do school buses drive down that road? Heavy, reckless traffic endangering the kids?

Call the permit offices - report violations, have them inspect the illegal work. etc. etc.

Call the media - ask if they want their kids and cows in a war zone?

Easy to disrupt - all it takes is a bit of time and some good old American gumption.



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