Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Drugs

See Sicko for Your Healthcare Now

Sicko is Michael Moore's Best Film Yet and we need your 100% attendance at every showing to bring a universal national healthcare system paid for with our tax dollars to the US, as exists in the rest of the industrialized world.
Sicko is Michael Moore's Best Film Yet and we need your 100% attendance at every showing to bring a universal national healthcare system paid for with our tax dollars to the US, as exists in the rest of the industrialized world.

Please, everyone, grab your entire family over age 10 and go see Sicko. The final major scenes of free medical care in Cuba for the workers at the clean-up of the site of the New York 9/11 Inside Job site is like a glorious finale, Beethoven's brotherhood anthem at the end of his Ninth Symphony. Alle Menschen werden Bruder, all people shall be brothers and sisters, united by the needs and interests of the workingclass. You can almost hear "nicht diese Tone"(not these tones) when you witness the horrific patient dumping of very sick, poor people by the so-called medical system of this country, as well as the many horrific examples the movie gives of the FAILED US MEDICAL SYSTEM. You can and must endure the first 15 minutes of loud previews of the usual garbage movies that are common here. Just plug your ears and close one eye until Sicko arrives. It starts sotto voce and slowly builds its crescendo with its tour of national healthcare systems in Canada, Great Britain, France and finally Cuba, 90 miles from home. THEN, DO YOUR HOMEWORK TO BRING UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE TO THE USA. Go to the Single Payer website, to find out how you can help.

You can find showtimes for your ZIP CODE at Michael Moore's website at:
and at:

Here is Director Michael Moore's Health Care Proposal, from
1. Every resident of the United States must have free universal healthcare for life.
2. All health insurance companies must be abolished.
3. Pharmaceutical giants must be strictly regulated like public utilities.
1. Healthcare must include dental care and all non-MD medical fields including but not limited to optometry, podiatry, acupuncture, herbal healing including medical marijuana, chiropractor, psychology, physical therapy, and the like.
2. All employees of health insurance companies should be paid to retrain to work for the government agencies that carry out our national healthcare plan, paid for with our tax dollars.
3. All drug companies should be nationalized, as should all privately owned "public" utilities, and they should be operated by the government with our tax dollars
4. What money is not currently available can be raised as follows:
(a) Transfer the entire military, CIA, prison and death penalty promotion budgets to the healthcare budget and abolish these 4 archaic fascist outrages.
(b) Tax the rich with the progressive income tax by raising taxes on those who make over $200,000 a year.
This should take care of all our medical needs many times over. The military budget alone would do it. After all, we are already paying a very high price with premiums, co-pays and direct pays and we get far less for our money than those with a national healthcare system paid for by the government so that when you walk into a medical, dental or medical-related facility, you pay NOTHING and receive top quality healthcare. We certainly have the resources, so let's act NOW!
5. All gynecologists must be able and willing to perform abortions at any time during the pregnancy, all abortions must be free (tax funded) on demand with no restrictions as to age, marital status, length of pregnancy or any other restriction and all hospitals must have abortion services available for those that must be done at the hospital. If that means that the government takes over the Catholic hospitals and makes them public hospitals, then that is what must be done. It would be best if all medicine be public, that is, socialized.
6. Medical school must be free in terms of free tuition and free books and more medical schools should be built so that everyone who graduates from college with a Bachelor of Science in the life sciences can attend medical school. This BS degree should be the sole criteria for entrance.
7. As to what anyone gets paid, doctors and dentists should make a maximum of $200,000 a year, and no one in any occupation should receive less than $20 per hour (about $41,600 a year).

These details of course will be worked out, once the people in this country get serious about fighting for a viable healthcare system, which does not now and never has existed in the US for everyone. The rich have always had the best that money can buy and the rest of us have whatever our pennies can buy, which is not much. We are dealing with a country that has been sleepwalking too long. Rise and shine, it is about time is what we must say everywhere we go as we urge people to view Sicko. Can you imagine a country of 300 million people finally talking about reality, namely our right to top quality healthcare on demand, paid for with our tax dollars? It is long overdue.



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