LOCAL News :: Gender & Sexuality
Chicago's Biggest Pride Parade Ever! Gives Warm Welcome to Progressive Contingent
The Gay Liberation Network headed up an anti-war / anti-homophobia contingent that got a huge response as we marched. Thanks to all who joined us – this was fabulous outreach for our messages!

Iraq Veterans Against the War member.
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450,000 people flooded the streets of Lakeview, aka Boyztown, on Sunday in what was probably Chicago's largest Gay Pride Parade ever.
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Through most of the parade route the packed crowds rolled off of the sidewalks and well into the street.

The huge crowd repeatedly erupted in applause when they saw our gigantic banner, "Troops Home Now!", giving marchers high-fives all the way down the route. Many joined in with that and other anti-war chants.

A great turn on a bad phrase! If George Bush has even a 26 percent approval rating, that 26 percent was nowhere to be found on Sunday.

We want to thank our friends in Iraq Veterans Against the War, Chicagoland CodePINK, ANSWER, The Free the Cuban Five Campaign, World Can't Wait, the Committee on Filipino Issues, and the Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism for helping us make the contingent a success!

At the end of the parade we confronted anti-gay bigots of the Fred Phelpsian variety who would just rather have us dead. The more "moderate" bigots, headed by Illinois's obsessive homophobe Peter LaBarbera, hired a plane to fly overhead with an anti-gay banner promising to "cure" homosexuality with their religion.
More photos to come!