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US security agency admits hits by hackers
Hackers succeeded in penetrating computer systems of the Department of Homeland Security in hundreds of attacks on the lead US cybersecurity agency, a congressional panel disclosed Wednesday.
A lawmaker said at a hearing that documents provided to his subcommittee showed DHS suffered 844 cybersecurity "incidents" in fiscal 2005 and 2006, including some resulting in infection with viruses or other malicious code.
"It was a shock and a disappointment to learn that the Department of Homeland Security -- the agency charged with being the lead in our national cybersecurity -- has suffered so many significant security problems on its networks," Representative James Langevin told the hearing of the Committee on Homeland Security.
Langevin said documents showed the 844 incidents affected various DHS agencies including Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The incidents including unauthorized access to DHS computers, misconfiguration of firewalls, the compromising of a website, infection with Trojans and viruses and classified data "spillages," the lawmaker said.
"What does this mean? It means terrorists or nation states could be hacking Department of Homeland Security databases, changing or altering names to allow them access to this country, and we wouldn't even know they were doing it," he said.
Scott Charbo, the agency's chief information officer acknowledged in prepared testimony: "Certainly, we need to increase our vigilance to ensure that such incidents do not happen again."
A report by the congressional Government Accountability Office said DHS has made some progress following earlier reviews but that computer security remained inadequate.
"Significant weaknesses in computer security controls threaten the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of key DHS information and information systems," the report said.
Some lawmakers said DHS needs to step up its efforts to promote sound security and protect against what some fear is a "digital Pearl Harbor" in which critical computer systems are attacked.
"How can the Department of Homeland Security be a real advocate for sound cybersecurity practices without following some of its own advice?" Representative Bennie Thompson said.
"How can we expect improvements in private infrastructure cyberdefense when DHS bureaucrats aren't fixing their own configurations?"