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New Civil Liberties Webspace,, help end the Patriot Act

The Loyal Nine is a civil liberties organization devoted to ending legislation like the USA PATRIOT Act, Real ID Act, Military Commission Act of 2006, Patriot Act 2 and so on…check out there new webspace at

The Loyal Nine is a civil liberties organization devoted to ending legislation like the USA PATRIOT Act, Real ID Act, Military Commission Act of 2006, Patriot Act 2 and so on…

In this fight The Loyal Nine now has a new web space at and we’d like to make it into an online web 2.0 community for civil liberties activists. A place where community organizers and constitutional lawyers can get together, discuss how to protect civil liberties and take action.

Over the next few months we'll be adding a bunch of informative materials to the site that will help activists from around the country fight government oppression and protect their rights.
In the mean time you can help by adding your thoughts about civil liberties issues to our new forum, add comments to stories posted on the site, suggest materials for us to upload or contribute periodicals. We want to here back from you, about your thoughts on this online community we’re trying to build and what you think it needs to make it better. We’d like to here the good and the bad.

The following are some useful tools, events, and materials for those who are interested in protecting free speech.

Contribute - If you're a civil liberties activist or constitutional lawyer and you want to contribute to our site by adding a periodical or blog about civil liberties, community empowerment or fighting government oppression please contact us here.

Web Banners - The Loyal Nine now has a whole series of great web banners you can add to your web page, blog, myspace etc… check them out here.

Forum - We've also got a brand new forum that we hope will be the start of a national discussion on how to protect human rights and fight oppression. Add your thoughts to it here.

Sign Up - Get email updates about The Loyal Nine and how you can help by signing up for are mailing list here. You can aslo friend The Loyal Nine on Myspace and Facebook.

June 26th Day of Action! - Join thousands who will be taking to the streets of Washington D.C. in demand for the restoration of habeas corpus. Find out more info at

Learn More About The Loyal Nine - You might have already known that The Loyal Nine is primarily youth based civil liberties organization that has been fighting to protect civil liberties against threats like the USA PATRIOT Act, national ID cards, and illegal wiretapping. But did you know that The Loyal Nine is really hundreds of years old, and that it's original members fought the Stamp Act. Find out more about The Loyal Nine here.

Thanks for the support, The Loyal Nine





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