LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Protest Activity
Finkelstein Protest
Students protesting the denial of Norman Finkelstein's and Mehrene Larudee's tenure. Sitting-in at DePaul President Holtschneider's office. Demanding tenure for Norman Finkelstein and Mehrene Larudee.
Students arrived this morning at DePaul President Dennis Holtschneider's office to protest the denial of tenure to Dr. Norman Finkelstein, the controversial scholar of Middle East politics, and Dr. Mehrene Larudee, the Departmental Chair of International Studies at DePaul. Both of these decisions were clearly politically motivated. Dr. Larudee's tenure denial appears to be entirely due to her visible support for Professor Finkelstein.
When the students entered the offices, they were met by Bob Wachowski, the head of Public Safety at the university. Though students attempted to keep the planning of the sit-in relatively private, this suggests that the University was somehow informed of the students' plans before their arrival.
They were ushered in to the Executive Conference room and have been awaiting a meeting with Fr. Holtschneider. His arrival is expected before 3 pm, when he has a meeting planned to discuss a law suit against the university for racial discrimination in the library.
Updates should be posted, throughout the day.