Spread the word—the greywater guerrillas are in town! One night only!
The newest book on righting the wrongs of water systems is out!
Dam Nation: Dispatches from the Water Underground
contributing authors Kari Lydersen, Andrea del Moral, and Qilo Matzen welcome you to a book reading at:
Decima Musa
Wednesday, June 13, 7pm
1901 S Loomis
in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood
Dam Nation: Dispatches from the Water Underground (Soft Skull, 2007) chronicles:
* international grassroots movements for water justice
* DIY plumbing for water-saving sinks, toilets, showers, and gardens, and
* a vision forward, suggesting how to transform today’s wastelands into healthy watersheds and wetlands for the future.
An anthology edited by Greywater Guerrillas Laura Allen, Cleo Woelfle-Erskine, July Oskar Cole, and illustrated by Annie Danger, this 416 page book chronicles the struggles, innovative successes, and inspiring visions of water activists worldwide.
Contact info: 773-544-0804
For more info about the book:
And see the Home and Garden Section of the New York Times on Thursday, May 31, 2007.
Please join us! And spread the word...