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LOCAL Announcement :: Environment : International Relations

Selections from Dam Nation: Dispatches from Water Underground, June 13

Spread the word—the greywater guerrillas are in town! One night only!

The newest book on righting the wrongs of water systems is out!

Dam Nation: Dispatches from the Water Underground
contributing authors Kari Lydersen, Andrea del Moral, and Qilo Matzen welcome you to a book reading at:

Decima Musa
Wednesday, June 13, 7pm
1901 S Loomis
in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood

Dam Nation: Dispatches from the Water Underground (Soft Skull, 2007) chronicles:

* international grassroots movements for water justice

* DIY plumbing for water-saving sinks, toilets, showers, and gardens, and

* a vision forward, suggesting how to transform today’s wastelands into healthy watersheds and wetlands for the future.

An anthology edited by Greywater Guerrillas Laura Allen, Cleo Woelfle-Erskine, July Oskar Cole, and illustrated by Annie Danger, this 416 page book chronicles the struggles, innovative successes, and inspiring visions of water activists worldwide.

Contact info: 773-544-0804

For more info about the book:
And see the Home and Garden Section of the New York Times on Thursday, May 31, 2007.

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