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Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Peace

Kill Your People

In this world where money is lower like pride...
Let me explain, If you’re not a Filipino and probably you are
white and let’s just say you’re one of those bastards, try to visit
the local precinct and watch those local police’s faces. Those
assholes are your slaves and you are the big boss if you have the cash.

If you’re white and
you’re a racist like a straightedge who was a former gay and you are
an educated vegetarian who owns a two door convertible then you can
command the Philippine police to kill any Filipino you hate. Even if you
are not really that whiter and you have millions of peso account in the
bank, the cops will do arrest to any person you want because if the
police owns the drug den or the herb that is sold in your neighborhood
especially when your kids are one of those jugheads who smoke the PNP’s
marijuana why would they hesitate to save themselves when you are the
one complaining about the dope your kids smokes.

Analyze this, almost
everyone in the Philippines that we see are crazy, according to some
theorist then if that’s the case people here in this “wasteland” are
not worth of respect because they are in actuality does not respect
themselves when they think they are poor. They want to rob your money or
anything that they can grasp from you when they think that way. They
preferred to be thieves and considered themselves bunch of jippsies in
your head but actually they are the dogeating thieves, uneducated warlords
of the third world underworld and everyone of them can be payable on
debth. Negotiable to the grind. Like a slave for bidding an army
deployable for a massacre job. These people can kill you in front of your
I know you wouldn’t
believe but you have to listen to this, I am one of those Tagalog but I
can’t consider myself like one of those idiots who hustles the shit
out of other man’s expense. However, people like the ones that you
hate are insignificance rather of their presence that these kind of
malicious iggies couldn’t even liable of crimes because of ignorance to
realm and personally I consider them as animals and not homo sapien.

There are many ways to
kill your enemies but first you must know how to speak fluent English
then try to save atleast a million peso account and it must come with an
ATM. Survey the area where the idiots live where you can deploy your
NBI agents pretending to be insurance personnel. Now you can pay the
police of Coccaine or Methamphetamine Hcl or any illegal substance so that
the cops won’t think of cross over or if you want pay them of cash
but don’t say a word just turn your back and say “thanks” before

Another way of killing
your people is to know if they use drugs then supply them of chemicals
they need that way your helping them of commercial suicide but that’s
too figurative, cooked substances are more easy to supply than the raws
where such operations will be needing a laboratory for room temperature
and other means. If there are offsprings and still speaking tagalong
which what you subconsciously hate the most, try to build an office for a
publication then high undergrads or ex-con writers then orient them
about Guevarra and Rizal, next time you knew another multiple murder
occurred. A lot of these suggestions comes from security guards,
psychologists, pregnant activists or perhaps sometimes from a cultural dancer.

In some, consent like this
could be somewhat absurd and in some cases it never even took place but
if you look deeper into smaller dimensions you would find yourself
wrong or right when the point is to dissolve other people’s existence and
what was done was right then until the next step – never look in the
face of the person just let him or her die or kill him / her straight.
Shoot the enemy in the face but never look in the eye. You wouldn’t
understand if I say that this is not reallypersonal. This is
annihilation and one of the most important thing to remember is that body counts
is the score of the fight and and every target must be in the form of a
human because if we count the enemy we count through casts as whole
because the enemy was big and if you sum them into one, it’s not human
but in a concept of a mammoth.

You must identify the
enemy then take from a distance, you can pacify him / her first before
stricking or you can pay a friend a beer then ask him to kill your
adversary. A lot of people conjects about liquidating their professors,
attorneys, wife,…etc., well this one way of hiding your wife or a typist:
the first thing to do is to play a jazz music, if their inside your
house, then get a cyanide and pour it into their beers. This may sound funny
but I’m not insane and I’m just dumped. Anyway, you can call the
Chairman of Barangay in Manila and tell that you’re a beautiful woman
and you have a pink tits then tell him that you hate your P.R.
journalist if he don’t mind send him to “Ugong”.

In the same manner you must
ready to talk to insurance management when lot’s of conspiracy
related murders goes with insurance, rather you apply as insurance manager
and agent at the same time before insuring your targeted individuals, the
President will happy to know that your helping her program. You’re
the economy if you sponsor on genocide or conspiracy bombings, the
Americans might be inviting you to their office and you can even go with the
biggest stockmarketers in our country. Buddhism, of the factors that
can help you find securities when executing such command from the post
office hating them or not, best thing to do is to be knowledgeable enough
unscarred beating the enemy.



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