On election night last Nov., a young guy came up to our anti-war protest, saying,"You don't have to protest anymore. We won!". We said, the democraps arn't going to do shit. We were right.
The Clock is Ticking. Three years ago, the peace movement in this country took a terrible blow with large numbers of people backing pro-war Kerry. Then the fool lost and lots of the fools who supported the democraps gave up. A very similar thing is very likely to happen next year. The democrap friendly anti-war crowd is going to back whatever asshole the other capitalist party nominates. Millions of people will be dragged into the sewer of electioneering. Too bad.
So those of you that really want these damn wars ended, don't have a lot of time. A year from now, like three years ago, these desperate folks will rally behind pro-war candidates like Clinton or O'Bomber. "At least they are not republican". Lot's of us expected the deomcraps to give crazy W his money. But sadly when the democraps act like republicans, way to many people lose faith, throw up their hands and give up. Some give up on the second fascist party. And carry on the struggle. But not enough.
We got about a year to rebuild the peace movement. The Clock is Ticking. And every day hundreds of people are dying in Iraq. Let's not give up. There arn't a lot of people doing everyday anti-war stuff now. But unless we bust our asses, a year from now unless we get a lot more people to join us, our numbers will erode to next to nothing. We can all do a little more. Let's do it!