DENVER, May 22, 2007—Members of the organizing committee for the Recreate 68 Alliance, a group formed to coordinate protests and alternative activities around the Democratic National Convention in August 2008, are concerned by the city’s announced plans to “persuade the homeless to come inside” during the Democratic National Convention, to shelters kept open specifically to keep homeless people off the streets during the DNC.
The city claims to be doing this for “security” reasons. It seems unlikely that Denver’s homeless could pose a “security” threat to convention delegates. As others have stated, it appears the city’s real motive is to sanitize Denver’s image for the delegates—and to remove from their view visual evidence of the very kinds of social issues that the Democratic Party should be considering. The city has requested $50 million for security, an extravagant amount.
Some of that money should be used to build more shelters that should be open every day, not just in extreme cold or when the elites in our society want to come to Denver for a party and not be distracted by that pesky poverty issue, and to provide other social services. R-68 recognizes the homeless as an integral part of their plans for 2008 and will utilize their resources to provide a voice and a platform for the homeless to express their views on the issues that cause this unnecessary problem in our overly sanitized communities. R-68 is of the opinion that we need to assist the most injured by capitalism in our community and not hide them from the elites who will be celebrating the system that caused the damage. Further more, during R-68’s four day “Festival of Democracy”, we will be providing basic care for the homeless such as, free meals and free basic medical assistance.
In addition to this treatment of homeless people as criminals and second-class citizens or worse, there is a larger issue. Prior to previous conventions and other national events, officials in host cities have raised inflammatory, false alarms about “security” issues to justify unnecessary and unconstitutional restrictions on First Amendment rights of demonstrators. The issue of “security” masks the real interests of officials in maintaining an atmosphere in which “official” visitors to these events will be encouraged to spend money and play without being “distracted” by political dissent.
But the quadrennial convention of one of our national political parties is an occasion that is central to the national discourse on important public issues, and should be regarded as the appropriate place for a great public conversation between the people and their elected officials, and the city should welcome demonstrators and treat them with the same respect and honor accorded to convention delegates. None of the fears raised about security threats and violence at previous conventions have materialized—not because of tight security, but because demonstrators have come to these events to engage in peaceful, non-violent exercise of their First Amendment rights.
There will be legitimate security concerns around the DNC. But they cannot and must not be used as an excuse either to round up homeless people or to prevent demonstrators from voicing their concerns in close proximity to those attending the convention.