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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : International Relations : Prisons

May 12 - The Future of Torture Conference

Come Listen To:
- A Victim of Torture
- An Interrogator from Abu Ghraib
- A U.S. Attorney Imprisoned for Defending Civil Rights
What: The Future of Torture Conference
When: May 12, 2007 - Noon to 5 PM
Where: Wilbur Wright Community College
4300 North Narragansett, Chicago, IL 60634

12:00-12:15 Registration

12:15-1:10 Part I: The War on Terrorism
Moderator: Jeff Frank, National Lawyers Guild
Lynne Stewart, National Lawyers Guild
Questions & Discussion

1:10-2:05 Part II: The Torture Question
Moderator: Tabassam Haleem
Tony Lagouranis, Former US Interrogator from Chicago.
Questions & Discussion

(10 min break)

2:15-3:10 Part III: Torture, Brutality, Confessions and the US Prison System
Moderator: Bernadine Dohrn, Children and Family Justice Center
Daryl Hunt. Former Death Row Inmate from Winston, North Carolina
Questions & Discussion

3:10-4:50 Part IV: Panel Discussion
Local Efforts Against Torture: Challenges and
Successes in the Chicago Police Torture Case and the
Muhammad Salah Case.
Moderator: Michael McConnell, AFSC Midwest
Standish E. Willis, National Conference of Black Lawyers
Michael Deutsch, People‚s Law Office
Maryam Salah, Muslim Community Leader

Closing Remarks and a Call to Action - Abdul Malik
Mujahid, CIOGC

Sponsored by the Coalition to Protect People's Rights:
Coalition Members Include AFSC-Chicago, ADC-Chicago,
Amnesty International, CIOGC, Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights (CCDBR), Chicagoland Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CCCLR), CAIR-Chicago, CREC, ISM,
National Lawyers Guild-Chicago, Pax Christi, United Methodist Church, and 8th Day Center for Justice.

Endorsed by: AAAN, Campaign to End the Death Penalty,
Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy, Chicago
Religious Leadership Network on Latin America,
Citizens Alert, Community Renewal Society, Heartland
Alliance, IL SOA Watch, Kovlar Center, National
Alliance Against Racism and Prejudice, Not in My
Name/Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago, Southwest Youth
Collaborative, TASSC.

What is CPPR?
The Coalition to Protect People‚s Rights is committed
to struggling against the practice and policies of
torture. CPPR is concerned with both international
and local examples of torture, brutality and
imprisonment and understand that they stem from the
same systems of oppression.

CPPR began in February of 2006 to address the case of
Muhammad Salah. Many are aware that the case against
Mr. Salah was based on a tortured confession obtained
in an Israeli prison. Allowing the tortured confession
to be used in US courts was something that the judge
allowed but the jury refused to give merit to when
they decided that Salah was not guilty of terrorism
related charges. The egregious action of the US
government in the use of this confession is not a
surprise. We know this from the countless cases of men
and women who have endured similar experiences across
the globe, including the victims of Chicago Police
Torture, the Panther 8, prisoners at Guantanomo and
Abu Ghraib, and those who fall victim to Torture in
their own countries by US supported governments or

CPPR began in the Arab and Muslim community of Chicago
to address the specific case of Muhammad Salah and has
grown into a diverse citywide coalition. With our
allies CPPR will continue to expose and struggle
against the practice and policies of torture and in
support of human rights for all. CPPR is currently
strategizing how to effectively work with the broader
Chicago community to demand justice for the victims of
Chicago Police Torture, while continuing to expose the
abuses of Guantanomo and CIA Renditions and secret

For information or to endorse email s_adely (at)

Who is Lynne Stewart?
Lynne Stewart, is a New York attorney for political
prisoners and the oppressed who was falsely convicted
of conspiracy to aid and abet terrorism. She became
the target of the Bush/Ashcroft/Gonzales Justice
Department herself and in April 2002 the government
arrested Lynne, raided her office, and charged her
with providing material support to terrorists in
connection with her legal representation. Now
convicted, she faces 30 years in prison. Lynne Stewart
received a 28-month sentence in October 2006, but is
free on bail pending appeal.

Who is Daryl Hunt?
Darryl Hunt is an African-American man from
Winston-Salem, North Carolina who, in 1984, was
wrongfully convicted of the rape and murder of a young
white newspaper reporter, Deborah Sykes, but was later
exonerated by DNA evidence. He served 19.5 years in
prison before he was freed after review and
exoneration. Darryl Hunt is now involved in the
Innocence Project, as well as his own group called The
Darryl Hunt Project for Freedom and Justice. This
project is devoted to "educating the public about
flaws in the criminal justice system, advocating for
those wrongfully incarcerated as a result of those
flaws, and providing resources and support for those
trying to rebuild their lives."

Who is Tony Lagouranis?
Tony Lagouranis was a U.S. Army interrogator from 2001
to 2005, and served a tour of duty in Iraq from
January 2004 to January 2005. He was first stationed
at Abu Ghraib; in the spring he joined a special
intelligence gathering task force that moved among
detention facilities around the country. He travels
the country talking about how he found a "culture of
abuse" permeating interrogations throughout Iraq.



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