What is worse is that most of the public actually feels no change, certainly not
as much as the doom and gloom reports are screaming about. The biggest
affect on most of us is a 50 % reduction in the Coral Reefs of the Cayman
Islands that we like to snorkel.
Most people don't understand that the climate has momentum, and because of
its gigantic mass (atmosphere and oceans) it will continue in the current direction
for many many decades even if we could stop emitting CO2 entirely right now.
The fact that most people feel no effects at this time makes it very easy for the
skeptics, who are being funded by the energy giants, to place doubt in everyone's
mind about the seriousness of global warming.
This is truly a disasterous situation for the future. The scientists are finding things
happening in the past 2 to 3 years that they didn't expect to happen for decades.
We should all be very concerned and demanding change to green energy, because
the climate will eventually reach a point when there will nothing we can do to stop
changes that will get very drastic........and it will be happening sooner than anyone
thought possible.
1) Arctic melt worse than predictions, 5/2/07