[Wherever you stand on the measures in Congress, or on the lack of decent ones, these will be taking place all over the country, and will be important to support and join. --CarD]
Express Your Outrage at President Bush's Veto
and Refusal to Change Course and End War in Iraq
Join Chicagoans Against War and Injustice,
Citizen Action/Illinois, MoveOn.Org and others
for an emergency protest in Federal Plaza
April 25, 2007
A broad range of antiwar activists across the country are organizing to express their outrage over President Bush's move to veto legislation which is expected to be passed by both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate this week, that would set a timeline to bring our troops safely out of Iraq.
"The people of Illinois are fed up with the President's failed policy. Unfortunately, the President's stubbornness prevailed and he is choosing to go it alone and continue his failed policy of unending war rather than change course and bring our troops safely home from Iraq," said William McNary, president of USAction and co-director of Citizen Action / Illinois.
The vast majority of the people of Chicago have already spoken decisively on this question in the last election. Over 800,000 of them, by an 81-to-19 percent majority, voted 'Yes' to immediately begin a rapid and orderly withdrawal of all our troops and national guard from Iraq. Most of the voters of Illinois, wherever the measure appeared on the ballot, also returned solid majorities.
Congress has tried to accommodate Bush in a variety of ways that would still change course and bring the war to an end. But Bush' only answer is an arrogant veto, not only against the Congress, but against the will of the antiwar majority in our country.
We are calling on all critics and opponents of the war, whatever your views on the various measures Congress has used to try to stop it, from all parties and walks of life, and especially those of you who have yet to take action, to join us for an emergency protest in Federal Plaza, Adams and Dearborn, at 5pm, TDA (The Day After). We have to tell those who would continue this unjust slaughter, 'No!', 'Stop it Now, and Start Bringing the Troops Home.'
These emergency actions are being planned all across the country to occur at the same time. It is most likely that the veto will be issued on Tuesday, May 1. If the veto comes on May 1 then we will gather at 5pm on Wednesday, May 2 at the Federal Plaza, 230 S. Dearborn in Chicago. (Dearborn & Adams) If the veto comes earlier, on Monday, April 30 then the action will take place at Federal Plaza on Tuesday, May 1 at 5pm. Please keep checking your emails for updates on the impending veto over the next few days.
Lynda Delaforque
Citizen Action / Illinois
lynda (at) citizenaction-il.org
Carl Davidson
Chicagoans Against War & Injustice
carld717 (at) aol.com