Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Labor

The First May Day - When Immigrant Workers Led the Movement for the Eight-Hour Day

Join us for a very special public forum.

Thursday May 3, 2007 at 7:00 PM
Rudy Lozano Library - 1805 S. Loomis

When the International Socialist Organization's Pilsen Branch presents:
Chicago’s Hidden History:
The First May Day - When Immigrant Workers Led the Movement for the Eight-Hour Day.

Last Year's Immigrant Rights marches marked the first time in decades that May Day
saw mass marches in the U.S.
May Day, celebrated the world over, commemorates the struggle for the eight-hour
workday, begun in 1886 - a time when native born workers had few rights and
Immigrants had still fewer, yet both united in a class-wide battle. Hear the story of
that struggle and its lessons for today.

And remember - don't forget to mark your calendars for:
Socialism 2007
June 14-17, 2007 at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare
For more information visit our Web site at:



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