Likewise, the "simulation of psychosis" has been a known goal of the US intelligence community since it's post-WWII reorganization under the directives of the Dulles brothers and William Averell Harriman. The purpose, of course, would be to protect our democracy by undermining it's enemies.
This has been proven a crock of shit many times over, and the one president who was on the verge of ending it found his brains splattered in the street before he could sign the executive order he had prepared.
It is not well known that Admiral Stansfield Turner almost died in a plane crash the January before his appointment as Director of Central Intelligence. At the time, this was a newly created position that would not only place him at the head of the CIA, but would also give him authority over a handful of "alphabet soup" agencies whose names were not even known the the US Congress until the investigation led by Frank Church's committee in the wake of the black-bag job at the Watergate Hotel.
In subsequent hearings during the Carter administration, DCI Turner gave testimony of the few surviving records of operations such as MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD and CHATTER, which allegedly were designed to target the minds of political enemies.
These operations are not "conspiracy theories", they are fact of US history well supported by declassified documents and court records. Turner makes some mention of them in Burn this Book (2005), and John Marks provides comprehensive coverage.
Due to several high-profile court cases in the US and Canada, it became public knowledge that the US government was using chemical agents to simulate the mental breakdown of it's opponents: and they experimented on human beings without telling them about it. Some of them recovered well enough to receive token payments for damages from the government. One of the goals was to induce hallucinations.
They wanted their victims to hear voices, because this would not only confuse and incapacitate the victim, but it would also be sufficient to obtain a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Thus, a "target" could be safely locked away for life - chemically and physically - without need for legal recourse.
Those who remember the beginnings of Aristotle Aristide's career in Cite De Soliel also remember the attacks that were led against him by Jesse Helms and his staff member Charles Riech. With the aid of the boys at Defence Intelligence in Fort Bragg, a pychological operation was launched against Aristide with the goal of making him publicly falter - he was pounced on personally by the racist senator in an attempt to make him look like a raving madman instead of the gentle preist that he was.
When Bush came to power again in 2001, he brought back Charles Riech to once again lead the race and class wars that were left unfinished during previous campaigns, and Aristide was the among the first targets.
Many US citizens had been complaining of "victimization by government perps", and when the World Wide Web appeared, it became their forum of desparation. Most of these people are simply thought to be crazy. Their numbers continue to increase.
One might wonder if they're suffering from a contagious disease.
During the "run up" to the Iraq war, there was a sudden increase in the suicide rate of weapons experts, and on the streets, among the homeless especially, voices were increasingly heard.
Is it such a surprising coincidence that the fruit of their efforts lost its cover just as the "War in Iraq" began?
Commercial products were demonstrated in 2002 that could deliver a 'beam" of sound to a single target.
A related product was used for the sound reinforcement at the Republican National Convention in 2004, and rather than digress, I will for now just say that their security connections are interesting and deserve to be explored further.
The quotation at the beginning of this article is directly from the home page of The American Technology Corporation, and what they have to offer is somewhat low-tech compared to what is now known to be available. But what they offer is convincing enough to confirm what some of us have observed:
"American Technology Corporation is a leading innovator of directed acoustic solutions that place clear, highly intelligible sound exactly where needed. We are experts in controlling sound, shaping sound, directing sound, and eliminating sound where it’s not desired.Victims who "hear voices" have recently found a new voice in The Washington Post, where Sharon Weinberger publishes news of her amazing encounters with defense contractors, some so drunk with greed and excitement they can't hide their enthusiasm:
ATCO’s breakthrough HyperSonic Sound® , SoundSaber™, NeoPlanar® and revolutionary Long Range Acoustic Device™ (LRAD®) product lines make up the core of an expanding portfolio of directed sound products and technologies. Our innovative concepts in directed acoustic technology and next generation intelligibility provide commercial, government and military markets the most advanced solutions for their audio needs."
" Lightning, for example, is a very big fear for Arabs, (Pete) Bitar contends. Peter Bechtold, the head of Near East studies at the State Department's Foreign Service Institute, was dubious that Arabs would be more frightened than anyone else by lightning guns. "It sounds strange," Bechtold said, when presented with Bitar's idea. But ideas are what Bitar overflows with. His latest is to use ultrasonic waves in the dazzler not to just blind enemies, but also to convey messages into their heads, similar to Gibbs's Medusa project. Hearing voices from God is a "big thing" in Arab culture, according to Bitar. "We flash-blind them. And, while their eyes are shut, you could send a recorded message or deep guttural voice that echoes in the inside of their head. They're looking around, 'Hey, did you hear that?'''
Bitar adamantly disagrees that his lasers will cause permanent blindness, saying they are eye-safe, if used properly. It's a key point for his company, since the StunStrike weapon has slipped to the back burner, and the dazzlers' time appears to have arrived. Bitar said he was negotiating with what he called a major supplier for the military and law enforcement on a new version of XADS's dazzler. The PD/G-105 is a souped-up laser that would be twice as powerful as the ones Bitar sold at the Burger King back in January."
In January, 2007 the previously taboo subject of "mind control" became a matter of public debate thanks to Sharon's cover story in the Washington Post Magazine. Mention of it in her blog at resulted in a deluge of comments and trackbacks. Her original post is here, and since it's so busy, I've created a mirror with all her original links intact. The original post with all comments visible has grown to almost half a megabyte of TEXT, making it one of the largest resources to date on this subject, if you are interest in the raw reports of those who claim to be victims. In case if you have difficulty accessing it, here's a mirror as of Earth Day, 2007.
Currently, this is a draft of a story soon to be finished. The URLs of the mirrors above may change. Please check back as this story evolves.
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