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Students occupying Congressman's office

Campus Antiwar Network (CAN) and supporters Sitting in at Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl's Madison Office
Campus Antiwar Network (CAN) and supporters Sitting in at Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl's Madison Office
Department of Homeland Security says we must leave at 7:00PM; it is now 8:30.

For Breaking Updates see:

Today the UW-Madison chapter of the Campus Antiwar Network (CAN) led a group of approximately 150 students at a walkout/rally on campus and sit-in of Sen. Herb Kohl's local Madison office. We presented the senator with a series of antiwar demands, such as to stop supporting the war by voting to fund it. He refused to meet with us in person and in a statement to our group (below), he essentially said that congress has no power to stop the war. We don't believe him, and dozens of activists decided to exercise OUR power by staying in his office.

Currently they are holding us in one small room, saying the 40 of us will need to stay in this standing-room- only space overnight. They are also blocking our press from the building, although we have been able to bring some inside of our own accord and through our own initiative.

*** Here is what we are calling on our fellow activists to do:
1) Support our action! Call Senator Kohl's Madison office and ask to speak with the Campus Antiwar Network to express your solidarity. (608) 255-5742; If you get kicked to voicemail, call us on a cell phone: 608-215-7035

2) Build a stronger antiwar movement! Join the Campus Antiwar Network at the UW. Come to CAN's next organizing meeting, Friday at 4:00, to plan upcoming actions -- including protesting Halliburton recruitment on campus April 30.

3) Build a stronger movement everywhere. Go to www.campusan for ideas, and find the most logical targets in YOUR community to demand that the war end NOW.

Our main demand: Senator Kohl, Meet With Us!
1.) Immediate withdrawal of all US forces from Iraq
2.) Iraq for Iraqis
3.) Fully fund veteran's benefits and mental health care
4.) No strings attached reparations to the Iraqi people
5.) End the use of depleted uranium munitions in Iraq
6.) Money for Jobs & Education not for War and Occupation

Official Statement from Herb Kohl to CAN activists,

"Make no mistake, I've strongly supported efforts to include a timeline for withdrawal in the supplemental spending bill making its way through Congress. Unfortunately, the President has vigorously fought any change in his failed policies, and has threatened to veto the bill - a move that would send the wrong message to the Iraqi leadership and our troops now policing a civil war. I respect and admire the efforts of the UW students that have assembled today to protest the President's broken war policy and join them in calling for a safe return home for our brave men and women serving in the region."

CAN's Response to Senator Kohl

Make no mistake, these are NOT the actions of someone who opposes the war. These are the actions of a politician who wants to pay lip service to his antiwar constituency while paying real service to the corporations he represents. Senator Kohl did not even bother to address our demands regarding reparations to the Iraqi people, nor our demand for the cessation of the use of depleted uranium, a disgusting weapon with no justification for use in Iraq. This unremitting arrogance from the wealthiest man in the Senate has forced us to occupy this office in an act of civil disobedience.




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