ELP has learnt that last Tuesday, the 10th of April 2007, the FBI raided the house of a well known American Earth First! activist based in Detroit, MI.
The Earth First! activist told ELP “the 10 agents who searched my house were looking for incendiary devices (or components or reciepts), and were looking for computer files (they copied my hard drives). Anyway, the pretext was the failed arson attempt 3+ years ago at the Ice Mountain (nestle bottled water plant here in Michigan).
At that time, a grand jury subpeoned my then wife and myself to give DNA and hand prints shortly after the incident. At the time they said they found hair or something and a hand print on the device. Obviously there was no match or the GJ would have indicted one or both of us. They took a bunch of campaign literature, some tshirts, a couple of firecrackers and some other miscellaneous stuff.”
From our friends at the Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network:
Dear friends,
ELP has learnt that last Tuesday, the 10th of April 2007, the FBI raided the house of a well known American Earth First! activist based in Detroit, MI.
The Earth First! activist told ELP “the 10 agents who searched my house were looking for incendiary devices (or components or reciepts), and were looking for computer files (they copied my hard drives). Anyway, the pretext was the failed arson attempt 3+ years ago at the Ice Mountain (nestle bottled water plant here in Michigan). At that time, a grand jury subpeoned my then wife and myself to give DNA and hand prints shortly after the incident. At the time they said they found hair or something and a hand print on the device. Obviously there was no match or the GJ would have indited one or both of us. They took a bunch of campaign literature, some t-shirts, a couple of firecrackers and some other miscellaneous stuff.”
The activist states their innocence and no charges have been bought against this activist yet.
Althoygh ELP has decided not to name the activist at this moment in time, we would like to state that this is not the first time this particular activist has been targetted by the FBI. About 7 years ago the activist was raided, arrested and charged with involvmenet in an ELF tree spiking action which occured in Indiana, USA. On that occassion the charges where eventually dropped due to a total lack of evidence. At the time of that previous investigation ELP stated that the activist was being targetted in an attempt to silence them away from their vocal Earth First! campaigning. ELP suspects the same is true with this latest raid as well.
If anyone would like to send an e-mail message of support to the activist, please send your e-mail via
ELP4321 (at) hotmail.com clearly marked “For the attention of the Michigan Earth First! activist”.
If anyone else is raided or arrested in connection to their Earth First! campaigning please let ELP know.
– ELP Support Network
British Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407