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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

Monday: Freedom Struggles and Theoretical Debates in Post-Apartheid South Africa

New Freedom Struggles and Theoretical Debates in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Monday, April 16
6:30 p.m.

Speaker: Peter Hudis
Co-National Organizer, News and Letters Committees, recently returned from a speaking tour in South Africa

A decade and a half after the end of apartheid, South Africa remains caught in an assortment of contradictions-foremost of which is growing friction between the government of Thabo Mbeki and the rise of new freedom struggles, especially in the impoverished townships. These and other struggles are posing the issue that is on the mind of humanity today-is there an alternative to capitalism?

36 South Wabash, Room 1440

Read "Anti-capitalist struggles in the 'new' South Africa" in the most recent issue of News & Letters:

TEL 312 236 0799, FAX 312 236 0725
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