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Students Demonstrate in Support of Finkelstein.

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Over 40 DePaul students gathered on Friday April 13th to show thier support for Norman Finkelstein. Finkelstein met with the University Tenure review board at 5:00 in the LA&S Dean's office. Finkelstein is a popular professor at DePaul whose tenure bid is being opposed by right-wing groups and pro-Israel spokespeople like Alan Dershowitz. Despite that, Finkelstein's quality teaching, excellent scholarly books and service to the University earned him a 9-3 vote in favor of tenure in the DePaul University Political Science Department and a 5-0 unanimous vote in favor of tenure from the School of LA&S tenure review board. Despite those decisions, the dean of LA&S, Charles Suchar, recommended against Finkelstein's tenure.

Finkelstein met with the University tenure review board at 5:00 pm but students arrived in the hallway outside the LA&S dean's office on the 4th floor of 990 W. Fullerton beginning at 3:00 pm. They made signs that read, "Listen to DePaul, not Dershowitz", "wink for fink", "Finkelstein is the Reason I Attended DePaul." as well as quotes from John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty." Students also wore stickers that said, "Students for Finkelstein." Students also wore t-shirts with Finkelstein's face on them and one student made a shirt that read, "Support Academic Freedom, Give Finkelstein Tenure."

Dean of students, Greg Macvarish, said that the demonstration was an "appropriate" way for students to show their voices. When Finkelstein entered the meeting, students cheered loudly and clapped to show their support before chanting, "Tenure, tenure, tenure." Many students waited until after 6:00 pm until the meeting ended, cheering as Finkelstein left the meeting. It is not known when or what the review board's decision will be but many are optimistic that Finkelstein will obtain tenure. According to the tenure process at DePaul, the University Tenure Review board will issue it's recommendation, Provost Helmut Epp will issue his recommendation, before President Fr. Holtschneider makes a decision before June 15.



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