Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Environment

Its "Leave you Gas Guzzlin/Polluting Car Home Day!"

A single day's abstinence of gasoline usage in the U.S. would conserve hundreds of millions of gallons of gas from being consumed (and spewed as poisonous exhaust into our breathable atmosphere!) and would also vastly increase stockpiles of gasoline so that prices,and related taxes and fuel related inflations would have to come down!
Maybe along with Buy Nothing Day we should instigate a "Leave You Gas Guzzling-Polluting Car at Home Day!" What about designating one day a month as a "Leave Your Car at Home Day" - say the last Friday in each month?
Would that be too much to ask people to take a break for one single day a month and also give the environment a break for one day from the bumper to bumper grind and all that brown,air fouling pollution spewing out from passenger Cars;SUV's;Vans etc.? Plus think of the effect just one day's abstinenece a month would have on gasoline supplies an prices! A single day's abstinence of gasoline usage in the U.S. would conserve hundreds of millions of gallons of gas from being consumed (and spewed as poisonous exhaust into our breathable atmosphere!) and would also vastly increase stockpiles of gasoline so that prices,and related taxes and fuel related inflations would have to come down! Just think (fantasize) if we had (2)"Leave Your Car Home" days in a month then the benefits and savings would be nothing short of spectacular!



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