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Student demonstration for Asian American Studies at UIC

Speak out for Asian American Studies. The only public and largest university in the City of Chicago still does not have an Asian American Studies program--students have been demanding AAS since 1991 on the University of Illinois at Chicago campus.
Students Rally for UIC's Asian American Studies Speak-Out

On Monday, April 16, 2007, Asian American Coalition Committee (AACC), in partnership with several leading organizations in the Chicagoland area, will host a speak-out for Asian American Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). This outdoor demonstration in the UIC Quad will feature prominent speakers from many diverse communities in Illinois. Their active participation will reflect their support for the establishment of an Asian American Studies Program at UIC.

The purpose of this event is to inform and to raise awareness in regards to the lack of a much-needed Asian American Studies Program. In 1991, students wished for a more diverse and complete curriculum that should include Asian American Studies. In response to the lack of an Asian American Studies program, students brought attention to this issue that in turn, strongly continues today. The lack of a program does not acknowledge the considerable historical, cultural and social influences of Asian Americans. Currently, Asian Americans represent close to 25% of the undergraduate population, as opposed to private universities such as Northwestern and DePaul, who have already established Asian American Studies Programs, despite their smaller Asian American populations.

Through the efforts of past students, two professors were hired as the first tenure-track Asian Americanist faculty and an Asian American Resource and Cultural Center (AARCC) opened with three staffers in Spring 2005. Additionally, various events such as fundraisers, showcases and notable guest speakers have contributed to the push of Asian American Studies.

Students anticipate a large amount of people at the speak-out event in support for Asian American Studies. A special guest at the opening of Asian American Awareness Month commented on the students’ progress. “I heartily support Asian American Studies at UIC,” says Heroes star George Takei.


If you'd would like more information about the Asian American Coalition Committee, feel free to contact Bettina Johnson at bjohns3 (at) or Joyce Yin at jyin4 (at) And also visit



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