Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Environment : Peace

MLIS: Depleted uranium is worse than allergies.

Depleted uranium is worse than allergies.
This morning I flipped on The Tube to the weather channel to see what we're having today. In the minute before the local weather--natcherly--they had a commercial. It was about a [locomotive] air conditioner that would get rid of practically all of the allergens in your house.

"Most households," they said, "Have five times more allergens than the air outside."

Yipes! We live in the good ol' misty, moisty Southland, and that's a heap of allergens.

It started me thinking. It's been years, but I used to have to take allergy shots when I moved here to Louisiana from California. No wonder!

Mostly the shots were for dust mites and pollens. Also dogs. When I came home after they tested me, I dusted the whole house top to bottom, wearing a mask. Now, I always put on a mask when I dust. And I covered my bed with those special sheets you get to keep the do-do from the dust mites from getting to you.

I started out having to go TWO TIMES A WEEK, but after a while, I "graduated" to only once a week. Every Friday, I would dutifully sit in the doctor's office on my way home from work until they called me and did their thing with the needles.

Needless to say, I wasn't real thrilled about it. Finally, I got tired of getting stuck every week--or maybe I went on a trip or something--and I stopped going. But, I guess the shots must have worked, because I don't get hay fever in the spring the way I used to.

So, I watched the ad, thinking about all those other people who are still crazy with allergies...

But you see, depleted uranium isn't like that.

You can't get shots that will make it go away. Once you've been exposed to it, you're a MARKED MAN.

And guess what. It's in the global atmosphere. We all are breathing it in. We're ALL dead men walking.

And there's no shots to help you get over it, like I said.

But it gets even worse.

Once you've been exposed, you (or your wife, if you're a man) have a more than 50-50 chance (67%, actually) of having KIDS THAT ARE DEFORMED.

I mean REALLY deformed.

Do you want to go through nine months of pregnancy and give birth to a ... uh ... monster? A blob? Have you SEEN the pictures of those babies in Iraq and Afghanistan? No eyes, or one eye in the middle of the forehead? And their guts? ... pokin' out through the skin, instead of tucked inside like they're s'posed to be!!

The lucky ones die quick.

By that yardstick, we're all gonna be lucky in another few years.



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