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LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

3/31 Presentation: Making Another World Possible: John Ross Speaking On The Zapatista Movement

Open University of the Left presents on Saturday March 31, 2:00 PM at In These Times 2040 N. Milwaukee Ave. Author, poet, activist and journalist John Ross
OUL is honored to present John Ross considered by many to be the most informed and incisive English-language writer on political and social events unfolding in Mexico at this time. He has lived for many years in Mexico City's old quarter. He is a frequent contributor to The Nation, Counterpunch, Z Magazine and the Mexican daily La Journada. He is the author of eight books both fiction and non-fiction and more specifically, has written three books chronicling the Zapatista movement in Mexico. His recently published third volume in his series titled "Zapatistas! Making Another World Possible: Chronicles of Resistance 2000-2006" (Nation Books, 2006), covers how this indigenous movement has challenged the NAFTA neo-liberal model from its very inception. He has been following the Zapatista movement first-hand since its beginnings and may be the first writer to have interviewed Zapatista leader Subcommandante Marcos. Fundamentally, Ross believes this movement, should be seen as a social movement to protect indigenous culture not one organizing to take over state power. Ross will be covering this question and more. As always, open discussion will follow the presentation



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