LOCAL Announcement :: Media
Allan Antliff on Open Road
Anarchist art historian Allan Antliff presents a talk on the anarchist journal Open Road, Thursday, April 5 at 7pm, at the Experimental Station (6100 S. Blackstone Ave.)
A lecture/discussion on OPEN ROAD
At the Experimental Station
6100 S. Blackstone Avenue
Thursday, April 5 @ 7pm
Allan Antliff will present a talk on the Canadian anarchist journal Open Road (1976-1990). He will discuss the politics of the journal in the context of the legacy of the 1960s, and the ways in which the journal advanced the theory and practice of anarchism through the 1980s. Amongst other controversial issues, Allan will discuss the involvement of Open Road in a bombing campaign targeting the production of nuclear weapons. He will also examine the journal's penchant for pieing politicians. Open discussion will follow.
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